Sunday, May 14, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Nineteen

It’s Mother’s Day! I’m not sad (much anyway) like I used to be. Well actually, for the longest time I was MAD. But it’s still a bittersweet day & I’ve spent it hibernating in my home avoiding (mostly) social media. I’m beginning to wonder if I just use it as an excuse to be a hermit. Heh.
Sunday, May 7th
Since I think we all need it, you’re getting a double dose of peonies this week. Here’s dose number one, and it’s a beaut.

Monday, May 8th              
I stopped by dad & Sue’s after work & they showed me this photo of my grandfather’s 5th grade class. I was sure I knew which one was him (the boy in the overalls on the far right on the front row). I mean, look at this photo of Papaw & Mamaw – dead ringer, right? But oh my goodness the hue & cry from my aunts! My great-grandmother would never have let her son go to picture day looking like that! And since I remember that she used to sell Mary Kay cosmetics, that’s probably true. So, bowing to their collective wisdom, I’ll agree that my grandfather is the 3rd from the right on the back row. Cute kid!

Tuesday, May 9th                  
After a long work day (that started at 7 a.m.), here is my after dinner snack – the brownie from one of Dr. M’s frozen dinners with pudding, banana, & cool whip. Delish!

Wednesday, May 10th                             
The Roy came by for a treat!

Thursday, May 11th                  
I ate sushi in the car for lunch – it was pretty tasty!

Friday, May 12th                  
I ordered Dr. M to do a photo shoot of our yard. Look at all this pretty in pinkness! I’m especially impressed with how much peaches has thrived.

Saturday, May 13th          
I took Daddy & Sue out for Mother’s day. We got some excellent flounder & popcorn shrimp & then enjoyed some cupcakes (mine had cookie dough on it) while I worked the puzzle. I also got Sue pink hydrangeas, which perfectly matched the dishes she keeps out on their table. Sweet!

I made it through week one of work craziness. I have about another week of intense work, then it will just be extra (not extremely) busy for another few weeks after that. The good thing about this time of year is that the work I do for the City is highlighted – hopefully in a good way. Ha! What are your extra busy times of the year?


  1. I probably would have gone for the peanut butter and chocolate cupcake if I had one at all. I'm not a fan of cupcakes in general, preferring a slice of a larger cake instead.

    Beautiful flowers! Azaleas here didn't do so well, but the lilacs were abundant and fragrant. It's not quite time yet for peonies, which are still small and in bud.

    This is a busy time for us now, getting the lake house in shape and getting the boat ready to put in the water. Since we only have weekends to do it together, it makes for a lot of work in short bursts. (And a lot of Sunday afternoon naps for Rick.) Hang in there next week; you can do it!

    1. I would have eaten that one too (I mean, in addition to the cookie dough one - ha!) but I left it for my dad.

  2. I do not get the cookie dough craze. yeah, if you're making cookies and lick the bowl but after that? No.

    so many pretty flowers. and so many overalls in that picture.

    1. Yes! My grandfather is one of the only boys NOT in overalls!

  3. Hello Roy! Our garden is looking very pink/purple at the moment, too. I wonder if your grandfather got grief from the other kids for being the only boy in a tie?

  4. Those cupcakes just don't do it for me -- too much frosting. Now, The Roy? That's one of his most appealing portraits ever. The peonies are gorgeous. I'm not such a rose fan, but that cluster of baby pinks is gorgeous.

  5. I like the look of that brownie with toppings. But you can feed the sushi to the Roy for me!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...