Sunday, May 28, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Twenty-one

This past week was another crazy one with long hours. Fortunately I didn’t have to talk to quite as many people as the week before, but there was a lot of data entry. This coming week will be less crazy (here’s hoping). But you never know. What you do know is I will tell you all about it.

P.S. Thank you for all the comments on my post about Roy. We're still pretty sad. 

Sunday, May 21st  
Dr. M & I went on a ramble, got lunch, and a banana milkshake for me afterward. It was a nice break.

Monday, May 22nd             
No photo.
Tuesday, May 23rd                  
Even though I got to the office at 7:00, the morning was spent mostly twiddling my thumbs because we couldn’t start data entry until after payroll closed. Here are the things I did to keep myself busy: ate Angelfood cake that had crushed pineapple in it (Delicious! Coworker made it for another coworker’s birthday); noted a maniacal gleam in my eye during one of my trips to the bathroom; went to CVS for a prescription (I laughed that my car knew I was going there without being told); ate a chicken salad sandwich with Cheetos on it.

Meanwhile, Dr. M was taking photos of daylilies!

Wednesday, May 24th                             
Got to work at 7:00 a.m. and around 9:00 mentioned to a coworker that my breakfast had worn off. She Grub-Hubbed second breakfast for me! I ate the pancakes on Wednesday, and the eggs, biscuit, & sausage for lunch on Thursday.

Thursday, May 25th                  
Headed to work at 6:00 a.m. & saw the sunrise for a change!

Friday, May 26th                  
I stopped to get gas on my way into the office & felt like something might be awry with my hair. And I was right. It matched how I felt all week.  

Went by Dad & Sue’s on my way home from work (I left early due to feeling too surly to be polite to employees), and saw that they’d planted her Mother’s Day hydrangeas. Made me smile.

Saturday, May 27th          
From the Socials: These last few weeks have been HARD for me. It was open enrollment time at work & I was in charge & I was NOT my best self. Cranky, imperious, staring vacantly at the piles of paper on my desk (& under my desk & on the card table I brought into my office). And I had to interact with so many people! My introverted enneagram 9 self was struggling. But I think we made it through. Hopefully. So shout out to my coworkers who were all angels, to Dr. M who mostly let me be when I came home completely depleted, and to my dad’s wife Sue who gave me the Phish Food I’m about to eat with my “healthy” lunch (Cheetos & Nekots). Full disclosure: she got me two pints - I ate the other one last night .

And now for something completely different, I shall complain about the weather. It’s been pouring rain since last night and in the 50s for most of the day, and even though I hadn’t planned any outdoor activities, I’m offended. What’s it been like where you are?


  1. Ah, warming up. Judy came by a few moments ago, turned on the AC, glared at me and said "It's 81 in here!" I responded, "It feels great." She was not amused.

    1. Ha! I have about a 2 degree window of comfort and 81 is NOT in that window!

  2. Well, the past couple of weeks have been my time to deal with the medical establishment. The good news is the problem has been identified, and it doesn't need medication or hospitalization. Yea! What it does need is a radical change in my diet. When I looked at your week, I just chuckled: no more milkshakes, Phish food, Cheetos, cake, sausage, or pancakes for me! You know how I love my ice cream! But, after two weeks of serious change, I'm feeling better and I've lost four pounds. This may work out!

    Those hydrangeas are really pretty -- good that they're in the ground already. I think you must have been affected by the same system that cruised by my friend's place in Charleston. She wasn't particularly happy about it, but she was happy enough to just be off work for three days that she was going to settle in with a stack of books.

    Speaking of: if you want a great film that centers around music, Africa, and such, give Bela Fleck's "Throw Down Your Heart" a try. I just loved it. The only downside was I wanted to head straight back to Africa.

    1. Oof - so sorry you've had medical issues. I could use a radical change in my diet - I know my body would appreciate it. I hope your change helps you!

  3. Well, that's an...interesting..."healthy" lunch! Did you get your prescription BECAUSE of your maniacal gleam, or are the two unrelated?

    1. You know, I hadn't considered, but it was my blood pressure med so I think it's DEFINITELY connected!

  4. Yikes. I can't even eat a first breakfast. And Cheetos and I broke up years ago.

  5. your taste buds must be dead is all I can figure.

    and it's hot, humid, and still mosquito-ey.

    1. Based on the amount of black pepper I put on everything, you're probably right about my taste buds!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...