Sunday, July 23, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Twenty-nine

I am writing to you from my air conditioned home hallelujah!
Sunday, July 16th     
For a few days this week there isn’t a “real” photo – I’m using my Be Real photo of the day (it’s an app where once per day you randomly get a notification & have two minutes to take a photo – I only have two friends on the app, but it’s fun to see what other people are doing at the same time you are). ANYWAY, this is the Be Real photo for Sunday. Not pictured: thermometer showing a living room temp in the high 80s.

Monday, July 17th             
Woo hoo! We have air!

Also, my feet got cold. Ha!    

Tuesday, July 18th                   
Dr. M had a “tall” salad (his grandmother Flossie's term for tossed salad) for lunch.

And then I dove into this giant chocolate covered caramel apple.

Wednesday, July 19th                              
Here we have Dr. M preparing healthy food for me to eat.

And here I am finishing that apple. I had the genius idea to put a corn stobber on one end. (Apparently I just made up the phrase “corn stobber?” What do you call them?)

Thursday, July 20th                      
Today’s Be Real photo. The title is “Is It Time To Go Home Yet?” Also, the view from my office isn’t bad.

Friday, July 21st                        
And this is the Be Real gem of the week. I got the notification while I was in the bathroom at work. And, really, I had to take the photo, right? At least it’s a little more discreet than this one (scroll down to Thursday). Ha!

Saturday, July 22nd             
Went out to eat with Dad & Sue, my brother & his wife. On the way to the restaurant I started wondering why my bum was getting hot. Ha!

My sister-in-law has joined the Pair Eyewear cult – the glasses where you can get different tops to change up your look. I’m considering getting in on the action, so I tried on her glasses. I think I’m in love (although I’m leaning toward a different frame design). 

I don’t have anything to say here, so you guys can talk amongst yourselves. But seriously, what do you call those things you stick into the ends of your corn?


  1. For the life of me I couldn't think of it so I asked Judy and she said "I think we just call them corn holders." But just between you and me, I think I like "corn stobbers" better. Don't tell anyone.

  2. Here's a second vote for 'corn holders.' I can't remember them ever being called anything else. We had them, but they just knocked around in the kitchen junk drawer; I don't remember using them. I laughed at those blue glasses frames. They reminded me of the pink plaid ones my mother imposed on me in 3rd grade. I never forgave her, and I got out of those things as fast as I could.

    The best photo here? Nothing against you, but those tomatoes are making me drool. I haven't had a single home grown tomato this year. I don't know why.

    1. Yes - Dr. M has been thoroughly enjoying the maters!

  3. Another vote for Corn Holders. And ours always hung around in the junk drawer, too. We never got past the fact that they always felt off-kilter. Useless gadgets.

    Three tomato plants mysteriously sprung up in my back yard. I've never had tomatoes planted there and have never tossed a tomato back there. I'm incredibly amused.

  4. I don't know what they're called. I think I used to know but I guess that info was in the last brain dump.

    1. Yeah- and my brain dumps are getting bigger!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...