Sunday, July 9, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Twenty-seven

This was a week of heat management. Our landlords brought over a small window unit air conditioner, and it helped a LOT, but our house is biggish and it was in the 90s most days, so… The repair folks are coming on Tuesday & let us all offer up a prayer to the god of household appliances that they don’t have to order a part. Amen.

Sunday, July 2nd    
I stopped by dad & Sue’s after church and got to hold (and feed!) baby Elliott. I don’t know what I think about his epic side eye though.

Monday, July 3rd              
Dr. M enjoyed that a cloud covered the sun for a bit while he sat on the deck.

Tuesday, July 4th                   
Things we did to beat the heat: Took lunch to Dr. M’s dad & watched a Reds/Nationals game (the Reds are amazing this year!).

Took the leftovers home and then drove around in the car for a while before heading to my dad’s house (they weren’t there – it was their 6th wedding anniversary & they were out celebrating). Dr. M ate a snack & I worked the puzzle.

Then we went to the grocery store and headed home, where I did a little photo shoot of all the animal squares. The other squares will have non-animal things on them.

Wednesday, July 5th                              
I came home from work and we sat on the deck until 9:00. We ate dinner, watched the ballgame on Dr. M’s iPad, and each had our own fan. It was actually a really good evening!

We came in to watch the rest of the game & I had to take a picture of this hotdog the sideline reporter tried. Here’s a description: The Slider Dog is topped with pimento mac and cheese, bacon and fruit loops, making it popular with kids and people who aren't afraid to combine breakfast and soul food. You can see why I might be interested – ha! The reporter said that she ate the fruit loops off the top, but couldn’t face the rest.

Thursday, July 6th                      
Dr. M sent me a picture of his breakfast. I think it has a bit of a maniacal grin.

We reached temperature equilibrium!

Friday, July 7th                        
My lunch – that was a REALLY good salad!

Saturday, July 8th            
Your weekly flower photos. So lovely!

It has been exhausting for Dr. M to figure out each day the best placement of fans, which doors & windows should be open and when, and just generally managing our comfort level. I’m really hoping that the coming week will bring blessed relief for him! What are you hoping for?


  1. I'm laughing like crazy. I just experienced one more chapter in "Adventures in Commenting on Blogspot." I clicked to use Google, but was refused. So, I entered my name and URL. Then, because I'd left the page open so long and figured I'd get the dreaded "comment not accepted message," I refreshed the page. Lo and behold, the comment box filled with my avatar and a Google registration. It's cheap fun on a hot Sunday morning.

    Speaking of hot, you have my sympathy. When I first got to Liberia, where there wasn't even electricity to run a fan, the usual trick was to lightly sprinkle the bedsheets with water at night. If you can combine that with a fan, it's amazing how much difference it makes.

    I don't know if I missed the baby's name, or if I told you this and have forgotten, but my mother's maiden name was Elliott. My great-grandpa Elliott was raised in a dugout on the Nebraska prairie. I never knew my Elliott grandparents, but in photos they look -- severe. My grandpa Elliott was the one I knew; he was the one who introduced me to trains, and took me down to the roundhouse when I visited to see all the goings on there. Good times!

    1. Make that 'never knew Elliott gr-grandparents'

    2. I think it's so weird that you have so much trouble with commenting on blogspot. I think I've said before that the only way I can do it is on a PC - it WILL NOT work on my iPad. Very annoying.

  2. That Slider Dog is ridiculous! Maybe you should treat yourself to a night in a hotel? Particularly if a part has to be ordered!

  3. I'm sending good vibes to your repairman for Tuesday. And that hot dog has nothing on the epic Diamondbacks Dog this year. It's a huge one with lots of toppings. But no, I repeat, NO fruit loops!

    1. I'm going to have to go check out that Diamondback Dog - you know I'd probably love it.

  4. The Slider Dog is all kinds of wrong. I once gifted my daughter-in-love with all the ingredients to make it for her birthday (including homemade pimento cheese). She loved it!

    1. Ha! I love that you gave that to her! I would probably make the dog, but eat the fruit loops while I was making it. Ha!

  5. slider dog? no, and you lunch salad looks far too normal to be your lunch. the woodland squares are looking very good. and hope you got the ac fixed.

    1. Yeah, my salad was pretty normal. Weird, huh?


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...