Saturday, November 18, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Forty-six

There was a lot of celebrating this week!
Sunday, November 12th       
We had a baby shower at church for a young couple. This is their first baby & they had a LOT of questions about how things were going to work. Fortunately we have a lot of mommas in our congregation who can help them (including the one who made the quilt and the little elephant – so talented!). Also, that Tres Leches cake was so good!

Monday, November 13th – Dr. M’s Birthday!!
I gave him a card that had a little pelican Lego kit in it. It was so cute!

That evening we went out to eat with family. We had a lovely time – and I got to hold Elliott for a while (not pictured: how quickly I handed him back to his dad when he started squalling. Ha!).

This sequence is called My Dad Says Something Outrageous and My Nephew Shoots Right Back with Something MORE Outrageous. Note Sue’s side-eye in that middle photo.
Tuesday, November 14th                     
Dr. M went to his dad’s and did a little leaf photo shoot. I love this one with Mr. Squirrel.

Wednesday, November 15th                               
It’s giving Librarian. Which was my dream job until I almost flunked Library Science in high school. Damn that Dewey Decimal System! (Note: I have an accounting degree that I don’t use so I guess I did ok.)

It’s soup & hockey season!  

Thursday, November 16th                            
Dr. M’s breakfast burrito. I love the artful placement of cherry tomatoes.

Dillards had an interesting sort of princess display & I had to have my photo taken in front of it. Ha!

Friday, November 17th                          
No photo.
Saturday, November 18th                     
Is it ironic that I had a sandwich for lunch and then found this old poem about making sandwiches?

Next week is Thanksgiving. We’ve had a minor turkey crisis (resolved now), but I have a pecan pie on my table ready to go so that’s all I really need. What are you looking forward to eating?


  1. Nice, elegant outfit - the green top with the black skirt!

  2. I like your "librarian" outfit (which I guess is predictable!). Sue's side-eye is funny. I feel like I've seen that expression many times on many different people!

    1. I liked it too, but it kind of made me laugh. And Sue looks at my dad like that a LOT. He deserves it. Ha!

  3. That quilt!!!!

    Do you know I've never worked Legos in my life!!!

    1. Wasn't it amazing? It's been years since I did a lego set. I might have to take the pelican apart & redo it myself.

  4. My kids never liked Legos. They were the odd ones, I guess.
    It definitely is soup weather, but let me get through Thanksgiving first. This year, it's a communal affair with my son's in-laws. (I do have my own turkey thawing, however; I can't let the holiday go by without my own stuffing and leftovers.)

    1. I'm not really a turkey & dressing eater, so I'm happy to let others take over that task. But I'm making sure I have a pecan pie!

  5. The year I finally exchanged the whole turkey for a smoked turkey breast was the year Thanksgiving became a much better holiday. This is the one time of year I always make my best in the world pecan pie; it has not a lick of corn syrup and such in it. The filling's just butter, eggs, sugar, and vanilla. What's not to like?

    Is that a fish in the Lego creature's hands or mouth or whatever? I had no idea there were Lego cards. Of course, I've never touched a Lego myself, and never have seen them in anyone's house, so I'm fairly ignorant about them. I grew up building houses and such with these sets of plastic bricks. The sets came with green cardboard roofs and even jalousie windows!

    1. That IS a fish. It's hilarious :) We had Lincoln Logs in our house.

  6. You can tell Dr. M that he still has dimples. (But don't tell him that comment is from ME! As for our Thanksgiving this year we're having slow-cooker Beef Stew ala Judy. I can't wait for the aroma.

    1. He DOES still have dimples! Isn't he adorable?


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