Sunday, November 5, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Forty-four

There were only mild shenanigans this week, so no need to brace yourself.
Sunday, October 29th       
Dr. M ate oatmeal for breakfast. And I went to my dad’s & ate cake. Ha!

Monday, October 30th                  
Dr. M says, “In Pagan Europe, common folk understood too well that Autumn was a season of last harvests, of color but also of dying, with long, cold nights looming on the horizon.”

Tuesday, October 31st                    
My only regret is that I never told any employees to walk the plank.

I had to share this photo of my great-nephew Elliott who is adorable in his lion costume.

Wednesday, November 1st                              
I’m making progress on my cardigan. Since this photo was taken I’ve completed the bottom ribbing & started on the button band. But then I’ll have to stop because I haven’t gotten the buttons yet – I want to make sure the holes fit the buttons I end up with.

Thursday, November 2nd                           
The three stages of getting ready for work. I put the middle photo as my FB profile picture & judging by the number of “hearts” it got I’m guessing people are blessing my heart in the good old southern meaning of the phrase. Ha!

Friday, November 3rd                          
Ms. Pinky & Miss Rita are in the tub for winter. This year they’re considerably less extravagant than usual – we actually trimmed them before bringing them inside.

Saturday, November 4th                     
I “let” Dr. M borrow my car so he can get gas for me on Saturdays. One of us (me) might have cut it closer than usual this week. Oops!

We’re moving into the holiday season, which seems ridiculous given what’s happening in the world. Can I tell folks that I’m not participating in protest? That probably wouldn’t fly around here. I’ll just have to move through the season with this extra angst on top of my usual angst. Happy holidays?


  1. These holidays can only be enjoyed if one totally ignores the news. And how can one do that? Stay sane and stay well. Remember, of all the other s--- happening, it's coming on flu season. Gadfrey!

  2. If only the pagans had central heat and Starbucks. Think how different history could have been! Well, maybe. Who knows which direction it could have gone.

    Of course happy holidays! and a merry Christmas and a happy Hannukah and whatever. Like the monks in the dark ages, we need to keep the lights of humanity alive!

    Speaking of staying alive -- I quivered when I saw that gas tank. I never, ever, ever go beneath a quarter tank. It would be so easy to use up nine gallons here while stuck in traffic -- that's a horror that beats anything at Halloween!

    1. Yeah - I don't think I would have been able to chance going so far to get gas! The problem is my "new" car doesn't warn me until I'm 35 miles to empty. I should do like you & just get gas when the needle hits a certain point.

  3. Love the pirate theme. But you don't look like you can enforce the flag's motto.

    I get the angst about holiday season. I get naturally grinchy anyway when the advertisers start shoving Xmas down my throat in August. This year, I am resolved to take it all in My Time and Keep Things Simple (and Grateful).

    1. I do talk a good game, but ultimately I'm a marshmallow. So, accurate. Ha!

  4. Miss Pinky and Miss Rita are looking good, even with their haircuts! I need to trim some of our geraniums too. LOVE the lion costume on your nephew! And the pirate outfit is excellent too.

    1. This is the best they've looked coming in for the winter - but of course now I worry that it was the wrong time for all that trimming. We shall see!

  5. ELLIOTT!!!!! OMG... I want to squeeze!

  6. 9 miles to empty? girl, that is not cutting it close.

    1. It is when the closest gas station is five miles away. Ha!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...