Sunday, June 30, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-five

Work work work… We’re so close to being on the other side of our big work project. Although I know there will be cleanup, and follow up, and throwing our hands up, at least we’ll be working in one (brand spanking new) system instead of two. I might take the weekends off again!

Sunday, June 23rd      

Sunday bloomers! Including an emo rudbeckia. Ha!

I finally finished that cardigan I was working on. I’m trying to decide what to do with it. It’s a smidge small for me and it’s NOT my colors. Give it away? Sell it? Do YOU want it? It’s a large.  

Monday, June 24th  

I just love this photo Dr. M got of this dude. It wouldn’t stay still long enough to get in focus, but it’s still a great picture.

Here I am doing my happy dance after I solve a sticky problem at work. 

Tuesday, June 25th   
The tallest mum in the world (and friends)!

Wednesday, June 26th  

I spent a frantic few minutes looking for my glasses. It was a great start to the day!

Thursday, June 27th    

Wore a topknot to work and just decided to roll with it even though I’m not sure a woman my age should wear a topknot. Or do I get to ignore rules like that now?

Friday, June 28th     

Ate tuna for breakfast & posted these photos on the socials wondering if the tuna was the sin my necklace was referring to. 

Meanwhile, Dr. M found a peacock!

Saturday, June 29th     

Dr. M ran his dad out of the house (turned the air conditioner down so he could get some work done), but Pop found a happy place to land with one of his best friends.

I’m not going to talk about politics. It’s too depressing. Also, I had the weirdest dream last night & I think it’s telling me to take a step back. I dreamed that Stephanie Ruhle was interviewing George Conway who had suddenly become right handed after being left handed his whole life. Stephanie was talking about how it must be hard to learn how to do things differently - especially since she had a hard time doing her hair anyway. I told her I thought she looked great considering she was wearing Sherrod Brown’s hair today. 

What. In. The. World. This is the Bug, signing off from politics for the time being.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-five

Still with the flower situation.
Sunday, June 16th                   
That feeling when your audiobook gets to the sex scene right as you pull up to church. Oops!

Sunday lovelies.

Monday, June 17th     
No photo.
Tuesday, June 18th
Pollinators all over the dang place!

The annual squish. I didn’t do a good job of covering up my bra with my shirt – as is mandated in the "women going to the doctor" rule book.

Wednesday, June 19th        
Blueberries from Mike’s dad’s bush! It’s been nice having them this week.

Thursday, June 20th
We watched the game at Rickwood Fields. It was one of the fields that the Negro League played in and was an all-round lovely event, including music by Jon Batiste. But it was also a painful reminder of our racist past (and frankly, present). Go here to read an excellent article that talks about what Reggie Jackson said (or go here to watch it) – Dr. M said that we’d gotten taken to church when he was finished!

Friday, June 21st               
When I left for work I noticed that our mailbox had been whacked in two – possibly by a car backing into it. It was pretty old & was probably brittle. By the time I got home Dr. M had handled the situation. I like the new mailbox a lot!

Saturday, June 22nd                                   
I decided to give you a more full view of the wildflower bed. It’s pretty unruly, and the yard is DRY right now, but it brings us joy! 

I brought my laptop home & worked for a while this morning in between doing chores. Dr. M has helped me set up a nice temporary office on the dining room table – nice big monitor to hook to my laptop (so I can have two monitors – a game changer!), extra keyboard, extra mouse. Now I just need to convince my boss that I should work from home sometimes (I mean during the week – not all this extra work). Anyway, we’re going live with the new system on Monday, and the first payroll will be processed the next Monday and we’re just all excited & terrified. Woot? What’s up with you? Anything fun?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-four

This is basically just a flower account now, with some breaks for my inanity. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 9nd                   
Dr. M & I went on a ramble in the mountains! We drove through some clouds which made for lovely atmospheric photos. Enjoy!

Monday, June 10th     
The NC State Wolfpack made it to the next round of the college world series!

Tuesday, June 11th

Wednesday, June 12th        
Pretty Part II!

Thursday, June 13th
Your weekly hydrangea (the anniversary of Dr. M’s mom’s death – miss you Frances!).

Friday, June 14th               
It’s kind of hard to put your makeup on for work when you’re listening to a tearjerker audiobook.

Saturday, June 15th                                  
More college baseball – lots of ACC teams this year. 

Today I took dad & Sue out to lunch for Father’s Day, but yesterday I brought my laptop home & did some more work. I imagine that’s just going to be how it is for the next few weeks, but at least now we’re only weeks away from the launch of the new system. It’s happening come hell or high water! And then I can enjoy the summer.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-three

As I had hoped, this week was a bit less chaotic – I worked a lot of hours, but they were orderly and I made headway on some of the tasks on my list. I did still have to meet with a lot of employees (retirements, exit interviews, benefit questions, discussions about how things would be better if we were in charge – you know, the usual). What I didn’t do was take very many pictures. Thank goodness Dr. M was on the case!
Sunday, June 2nd                   
Lunch with Dad and Sue. I only ate half of my excellent blueberry/cherry/pecan waffle so I had the other half as a snack later in the week. Woo hoo!

Monday, June 3rd     
I started this series of photos where I took pictures of my work outfits so I’d remember what I wore that week. It lasted a whole two days. Ha!

Tuesday, June 4th
I love that the hydrangea at Dr. M’s dad’s house is two-toned – it’s so pretty!

Wednesday, June 5th        
Last year’s mum is blooming again! Not pictured – it’s super tall!

Thursday, June 6th                                    
Assembly line! I ate one for dinner & the other one for lunch the next day.

Friday, June 7th               
The wildflowers are waking up – it’s all very exciting!

Peep the bumblebutt in the day lily!

Saturday, June 8th                                  
I went to work for a few hours in the morning, and then I went to a very special someone’s 1st birthday party! He was content to be passed from person to person and had lots of smiles, until you pointed the camera at him. Silly boy. He does this sort of swimming maneuver to get from point A to point B – it was so cute. Happy birthday Elliott! (Photos stolen from his mother's FB page.)

I brought my laptop home & worked again for a couple of hours. What I’m doing right now is auditing the information that’s been put into the new system compared to what’s in our old system (making sure everyone’s deductions will be correct) and it’s weirdly satisfying. I enter into a zone where I could just do it for hours, but alas there are social obligations and sleep that must interrupt. What kind of work puts you in the zone?

Sunday, June 2, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

It was another weird week (minus the tooth pain – yay!), but I made it out to the other side & now it’s JUNE! Rude! May used to be my favorite month, but open enrollment ruined it, so here’s hoping May Part II will be a good one.
Sunday, May 26th                  
Dr. M found some fireworks for the Memorial Day weekend.

Meanwhile, I worked a solid 5 hours and got shit done! (Which reinforces my belief that work would be much better without people.)

Monday, May 27th     

I stayed home most of the day, but my dearest heart in all the land went to get lunch for him & his Pop and brought some for me before he headed over to his dad’s. He’s a keeper.

Tuesday, May 28th                              
Super stressful crazy day at work and no photo.
Wednesday, May 29th        
Took a stupid little walk for my stupid mental health. (Inexplicably, it sort of worked.)

Thursday, May 30th                                    
The forsythia is out of control, but have I taken the 5 minutes to get the clippers and trim it? No I have not.

Posted without comment.

Friday, May 31st              
My cousin’s family now has a pontoon boat and I got to go out on the water after work! It was lovely and I’m ready to do it again. Thanks guys!

Video of Bruno living his best life – he was so adorable! 

Saturday, June 1st                                 
We’re going to have a sea of bee balm, but also some of these lovelies in the wildflower bed.

I worked for a few hours yesterday & got a lot done so hopefully this coming week won’t be too crazy. Well, it will be, but now it won’t be as crazy. What have you done lately to make your life easier?

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-two

Old Business: Reader, I did have a fever (100.6), but felt much better on Sunday.  New Business: Reader, I woke up Monday morning with both ...