Sunday, June 9, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-three

As I had hoped, this week was a bit less chaotic – I worked a lot of hours, but they were orderly and I made headway on some of the tasks on my list. I did still have to meet with a lot of employees (retirements, exit interviews, benefit questions, discussions about how things would be better if we were in charge – you know, the usual). What I didn’t do was take very many pictures. Thank goodness Dr. M was on the case!
Sunday, June 2nd                   
Lunch with Dad and Sue. I only ate half of my excellent blueberry/cherry/pecan waffle so I had the other half as a snack later in the week. Woo hoo!

Monday, June 3rd     
I started this series of photos where I took pictures of my work outfits so I’d remember what I wore that week. It lasted a whole two days. Ha!

Tuesday, June 4th
I love that the hydrangea at Dr. M’s dad’s house is two-toned – it’s so pretty!

Wednesday, June 5th        
Last year’s mum is blooming again! Not pictured – it’s super tall!

Thursday, June 6th                                    
Assembly line! I ate one for dinner & the other one for lunch the next day.

Friday, June 7th               
The wildflowers are waking up – it’s all very exciting!

Peep the bumblebutt in the day lily!

Saturday, June 8th                                  
I went to work for a few hours in the morning, and then I went to a very special someone’s 1st birthday party! He was content to be passed from person to person and had lots of smiles, until you pointed the camera at him. Silly boy. He does this sort of swimming maneuver to get from point A to point B – it was so cute. Happy birthday Elliott! (Photos stolen from his mother's FB page.)

I brought my laptop home & worked again for a couple of hours. What I’m doing right now is auditing the information that’s been put into the new system compared to what’s in our old system (making sure everyone’s deductions will be correct) and it’s weirdly satisfying. I enter into a zone where I could just do it for hours, but alas there are social obligations and sleep that must interrupt. What kind of work puts you in the zone?


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I'm kind of that way when I write overdue-book letters to parents, because I have a template and all I have to do is fill in the names and the name of the book(s).

    I'm not sure what's going on with those sandwiches. Which half goes with which half?!

    1. The turkey & cheese half goes on the peanut butter & jelly half!

  2. I laughed at your work wardrobe photos: not that your wardrobe is weird or unattractive. It's just that I don't have a work wardrobe; I have work clothes. The primary questions are: is it clean? Has it picked up too many rips or varnish stains to go out in polite society? Etc.

    Those first birthday photos are neat, but just think how much fun year two will be! No more swimming across the floor at that one. That's a nice pairing of bee butt and baby butt!

    1. When I worked from home my wardrobe was like yours - although sometimes I didn't really care if it was clean. Ha!

      I didn't even think of that pairing - thanks for pointing it out!

  3. Prepping vegetables puts me in a zone. Once I get going, I can do ALL the produce. Just put it in front of me.

    When I was still teaching, I'd often just pick a colour theme for a week and wear stuff with those hues for all five days. I got so sick of making outfits after a while. It gets tiresome, doesn't it? I got to the point where I wished they'd require uniforms for staff. (Except for shoes. Never come for my shoes!)

    1. I would love a uniform except that I usually look terrible in whatever style it might be.

  4. what the hell is under that cheese on that sandwich? never mind. don't tell me.


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