Sunday, June 2, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

It was another weird week (minus the tooth pain – yay!), but I made it out to the other side & now it’s JUNE! Rude! May used to be my favorite month, but open enrollment ruined it, so here’s hoping May Part II will be a good one.
Sunday, May 26th                  
Dr. M found some fireworks for the Memorial Day weekend.

Meanwhile, I worked a solid 5 hours and got shit done! (Which reinforces my belief that work would be much better without people.)

Monday, May 27th     

I stayed home most of the day, but my dearest heart in all the land went to get lunch for him & his Pop and brought some for me before he headed over to his dad’s. He’s a keeper.

Tuesday, May 28th                              
Super stressful crazy day at work and no photo.
Wednesday, May 29th        
Took a stupid little walk for my stupid mental health. (Inexplicably, it sort of worked.)

Thursday, May 30th                                    
The forsythia is out of control, but have I taken the 5 minutes to get the clippers and trim it? No I have not.

Posted without comment.

Friday, May 31st              
My cousin’s family now has a pontoon boat and I got to go out on the water after work! It was lovely and I’m ready to do it again. Thanks guys!

Video of Bruno living his best life – he was so adorable! 

Saturday, June 1st                                 
We’re going to have a sea of bee balm, but also some of these lovelies in the wildflower bed.

I worked for a few hours yesterday & got a lot done so hopefully this coming week won’t be too crazy. Well, it will be, but now it won’t be as crazy. What have you done lately to make your life easier?


  1. This isn't something for you to worry about, but during one of our recent truly bad storms a pontoon boat got flipped over in a lake and some people were injured; at least one died. The big difference may have been that the boat that flipped had a fixed canopy over it, and the 70 mph winds may have caught that. Of course, the fact that they were out on the water with warnings all around played a role, too.

    Is that fried okra I see on your plate? I love good fried okra, but it can't be soggy. Crisp, people!

    1. That IS fried okra & it WAS soggy, so I just mixed it in with everything else.

    2. I was disappointed in the okra, lol. I NEED crisp!

  2. I'm surprised you ate something so mundane and regular as that meal! just kidding. nothing is easy about my life right now.

    1. I know - I am so so sorry for all you're going through!

  3. I made an omelet this afternoon stuffed with the sauteed mushrooms, peppers and onions from yesterday's dinner. It was very tasty and SWMBO was happy.

  4. It's a scientific fact that being on or near water relaxes us significantly. That boat ride was a good idea. We just returned from a little jaunt up to Canada, so that was a lovely little stress buster for us.

    I hope June turns out to be everything you wanted May to be.

  5. It's amazing how calming a walk can be. And then being on the water too! You're counteracting that work stress in all the right ways. :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Eleven

So tonight I painted my nails in a vain attempt to stave off their deterioration. I promise I don’t think about them all the time - I just h...