Saturday, June 22, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-five

Still with the flower situation.
Sunday, June 16th                   
That feeling when your audiobook gets to the sex scene right as you pull up to church. Oops!

Sunday lovelies.

Monday, June 17th     
No photo.
Tuesday, June 18th
Pollinators all over the dang place!

The annual squish. I didn’t do a good job of covering up my bra with my shirt – as is mandated in the "women going to the doctor" rule book.

Wednesday, June 19th        
Blueberries from Mike’s dad’s bush! It’s been nice having them this week.

Thursday, June 20th
We watched the game at Rickwood Fields. It was one of the fields that the Negro League played in and was an all-round lovely event, including music by Jon Batiste. But it was also a painful reminder of our racist past (and frankly, present). Go here to read an excellent article that talks about what Reggie Jackson said (or go here to watch it) – Dr. M said that we’d gotten taken to church when he was finished!

Friday, June 21st               
When I left for work I noticed that our mailbox had been whacked in two – possibly by a car backing into it. It was pretty old & was probably brittle. By the time I got home Dr. M had handled the situation. I like the new mailbox a lot!

Saturday, June 22nd                                   
I decided to give you a more full view of the wildflower bed. It’s pretty unruly, and the yard is DRY right now, but it brings us joy! 

I brought my laptop home & worked for a while this morning in between doing chores. Dr. M has helped me set up a nice temporary office on the dining room table – nice big monitor to hook to my laptop (so I can have two monitors – a game changer!), extra keyboard, extra mouse. Now I just need to convince my boss that I should work from home sometimes (I mean during the week – not all this extra work). Anyway, we’re going live with the new system on Monday, and the first payroll will be processed the next Monday and we’re just all excited & terrified. Woot? What’s up with you? Anything fun?


  1. I confess Iaughed at your mailbox going kaput. I have two friends who lost their curbside mailboxes -- presumably to vehicles -- in the past week or so. I certainly hope it's coincidence, and not that our cars finally have had enough and are ready to take it out on us.

    Those blueberries are gorgeous. I have to get mine from the store, but they recently dropped to $1.49 a pint, so I filled up the freezer. Yum! Your flowers are pretty darned luscious, too. I think today is the last day of National Pollinator Week, a time to highlight butterflies, bees, and such, so you're with the program!

    Whatever you were listening to on your way to church sounds like it could contribute to distracted driving!

    1. The thing is that at my age, the sex scene is the least interesting part of a book - I'm here for the mystery. Ha!

  2. Why *do* we do that at the doctor or at the imaging centre for our mammograms? It's so ridiculous. I guess it's because it's Underwear. And we've all been raised to be modest. Do Gen Z women do it, too? SOMEONE, PLEASE BREAK THIS CYCLE.

  3. down here I remember there was a thing for kids to drive by people's mailboxes at night and give them a big whack knocking them down. there's more than one mailbox with a metal stake next to it in this neighborhood. don't know if it's still a thing.

    since I don't wear a bra, hiding it at the doctor's office is never a thing for me.

    and pretty wildflowers.

    1. I wish I could get away without wearing a bra, but sadly it would be a bit scandalous.

  4. Like Ellen, I immediately suspected kids deliberately whacking the mailbox. It was common practice when I was a kid. In fact my mom eventually got a PO Box, she was so sick of repairing and replacing our mailbox! (The new one looks great, BTW!)

    I must admit it had never occurred to me that leaving your bra exposed would be any kind of issue while getting a mammogram! If your breasts are already exposed, why should the bra matter? (I realize I am asking this as a clueless man. :) )

    1. I don't know why it's a rule - it just is. Ha!


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