Sunday, August 11, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-one

This week’s post will be short and sweet because there are two days without photos and I’m feeling rather nappish at the moment.

Sunday, August 4th         

Dr. M spent some quality time chopping veggies, including a tomato with a heart shaped bruise. Awww….

Monday,  August 5th     

Asked him to remind me of how the No Nothing party got its name. So anyway did you know I was married to a historian? And did you know that being anti-immigrant is nothing new?

Tuesday, August 6th    

I was at my dad’s when he said to quick look out back. Mama deer and some freshly hatched fawns. And that’s another awwww moment. 

Wednesday, August 7th    

My coworker got me this sticker which I promptly put on my work laptop. Fun fact - today someone gave my pastor a t-shirt with that same logo on it. Ha!

Thursday, August 8th     

No photo.

Friday, August 9th      

No photo

Saturday, August 10th      

The goat herd has increased at Dr. M’s dad’s house. Ha! These are the neighbors goats, and Pop gives them the stink eye, but Dr. M & I think they’re great. 

There are so many heavy things happening in the world. Gaza, infuriating stripping of Olympic medals, the expected (but annoying) ramping up of political rhetoric, me having to help employees through the retirement process instead of being the one who gets to retire (that last one isn’t actually that heavy - I mostly like my job). What do you do when you feel beaten down by life?


  1. In response to your query, I take a nap. Dr. M is an excellent veg chopper. That picture looks like it was taken in a salad bar in some restaurant. And that photo of the deer and her fawns is wonderful.

  2. I have a friend who introduced me to the concept of 'thinkos' -- like typos, but mental. I think you had a thinko here: we have plenty of people whose tendency to scream "NO!" could make them members of a No-nothing party, but I suspect the one you meant was the Know-Nothing party, from the 1850s. I wouldn't have known that, except for a high school American history teacher who had some unaccountable obsession with those folks.

    I've actually made myself salads three days in a row, and it's due in large part to my discovery of Brianna's champagne style vinaigrette dressing. It's wonderful. If the brand's in your area, I highly recommend it.

    As for your question -- what to do when beaten down by life? -- there's one answer that always works for me. I just roll with it, baby! Crank up the volume, and start smiling!

    1. That is hilarious - and you are exactly right. I'm surprised Dr. M didn't correct me. Ha!

  3. I remember thinking a great deal about the Know-Nothings eight years ago. That, and the famous quote about those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it. Sigh.

    When I start feeling beaten down, I walk more intentionally, observing Nature and remembering that Life itself is still a gift. And I do something kind and meaningful--whether it's for my community or donating money to a cause or charity I believe in. And don't discount reading something beautiful as well. I always keep Walt Whitman nearby; he is like a hug for my heart and soul.

    1. Those sound like lovely ways to combat the beat down. I tend to numb myself with games and things that don't actually help.

  4. Just keep on truckin', as R. Crumb famously said.

    I think being anti-immigrant is basically caving to the darkest, most tribal impulses of human nature -- the part of us that is clannish and suspicious of all "outsiders" -- and thus has probably been around as long as there have been humans! That doesn't mean we should indulge those impulses, though.

    1. Oh, and by the way, I laughed at your comment on my blog about learning to drive in a VW bus. My dad also taught us in a VW bus, with a gear shift sticking up from the floor, and my siblings and I still laugh about how he made driving lessons as challenging as he possibly could!

    2. There was a memorable occasion after I got my license when I was trying to drive up a hill and could NOT get it to go. I kept rolling back & then trying to get a running start. I ended up circling around and coming down the hill instead. I still hadn't mastered the clutch very well - ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...