Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Alexander Beetle

First of all I'd like to apologize to all the folks whose blogs I haven't read. I'll be getting back to blog reading when we get back home from my dad's house. I'm visiting & making hats right now (& obviously playing around with my blog).

We opened gifts with my family on Christmas Eve & there was one in particular that Daddy & Amy wanted me to open. When I looked in the box, this is what I saw.

And I started cackling. And then I opened the little container & started laughing even harder.

Daddy had seen this bug months ago & saved him for me for Christmas. When I was in grade school one of the first poems I had to memorize & recite in class was Forgiven, by A.A. Milne. And wasn't that terribly appropriate given the blog name I chose for myself? Ha!

I thought it might be fun if I recited it for you.


  1. I love the poem about Alexander, and you read it very well. Happy Holiday.

  2. I'm such a cry baby this morning. I just love that your father remembered his little girl reciting that poem and found that bug and saved it for you for Christmas all these years later. Very sweet. And your performance was perfection. Perfect voice... childlike. Loved it.

  3. Love it, Bug! Love the recitation.

  4. That's hilarious! Have you heard Melanie's version of Alexander Beetle?

  5. I love those sweet memories that build the fabric of our family tapestry. How wonderful that he was able to capture that remembrance and bring into focus once again.

    Very sweet and wonderfully funny!


  6. That is awesome!!!!
    Thanks for sharing the poem ... I love it made an impact on your dad :)
    What fun memories that continue on!

  7. My grandkids are always bringing me dead bugs. probably because I put them on the windowsill in the kitchen.

  8. Great Christmas gift, Bug. The bug and the sweet memories.

  9. what a present! love love it and you read it fatastically!! more!

  10. Thanks everyone! Steve I hadn't ever heard that version before. It's fabulous! I might have to post it on here one of these days so other people can hear it :)


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