Monday, December 10, 2012

My Thinking Cap

So, having made three Kingston Caps so far (see here and here) I decided to branch out into another type of headgear (Rachael pattern from here). I bought what I thought was the correct gauge of yarn & started in. Since it’s only 9 rows of crochet I thought it would be a snap, right?

Hmmm – something seems to have gone awry. I’m pretty sure that this wouldn’t even fit on a newborn’s head.

Not willing to abandon the project, I tried again – this time adding a couple of rows and loosening up the tension on the yarn.


Since I’m obviously an expert now I’m taking orders. [Note: I’m not really taking orders, although I’m willing to try to make something for someone. Anyone? Need to feed my habit somehow!]

P.S. Should I be concerned that I look like a maniac in the first picture?


  1. Oh, I think they are DARLING with the flowers on them too! OH MY! I wish I knew how to be crafty that way!

  2. I don't know about "maniac", but you do look like a very naughty girl. (Lucky Dr. M) ;)


  3. I've spent my life trying to find a hat that looked good on me but they all look good on you. You could be a hat model.

  4. Bravo to you for adapting the pattern and coming up with a terrific hat!

  5. i'm tempted to say yes if you can put a tax time pig on the side?

    swap you a hat for a painting?

  6. Ok...I want one of those. How much do you charge?????? Or would you prefer to swap a craft...for a craft....that hat is adorable!

  7. You have really tackled crochet and have come out a winner! I remember when you first started. We can usually find a use for the items that don't turn out as planned. You put yours to good use. Very cute!

  8. You don't exactly look like a maniac, but that critter you're holding sure does look like Camo the Labrador Retriever!

    The hats are darling. If I'd ever turned out something like that, my mother would have died of happiness. She would have worn it everywhere and told people, "My daughter! She's so talented!" Alas, I only learned to cast on one row on a knitting needle before I got bored and wandered off. Oh, well....

  9. I love the hat (and the models :)). If you are looking for something to try and knit, I just did a ribbed hat that is only knit/purl.

  10. Way to go! And no, the first picture simply looks like someone laughing because she knows the hat don't fit so she must acquit.

  11. I didn't understand a bit of the crochet talk, but I admire your work.

  12. It's beautiful! And, no, you don't look like a madwoman!


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