Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Dream of Green

Conversation between Dr. M and me:

Dr. M, looking at the snowy fields: Isn’t it beautiful?

Me : It’s a mattress.

Dr. M (confused): or a blanket…

Me: No, really – there’s a mattress on the side of the road.

Raucous laughter follows.

Still, I’m dreaming of spring…


  1. I'm ready for spring too my friend. Reeeeeally ready.

  2. Although we don't have the snow, I'm dreaming of spring too.

  3. I can see your point. Plus green is much nicer than the brown we often see down in too-hot TX. You'll enjoy spring so much!! And I will envy you then.

  4. Ha! I love those moments.

    Spring will be here sooner or later....I hope.

  5. This reminds me of the commercials that Coke used to run: in the heat of summer they'd show pictures of sledding and snow. In winter they'd show pictures at the beach and lots of sunshine.

    If it's any encouragement, when I was on retreat a couple of weeks ago up in the mountains (such as they are) daffodil shoots were emerging. Spring is not just a figment of the imagination. It's on its way!

  6. Thanks for the chuckle today. I needed it! I am so tired of this weather...it is really getting to me.

  7. I second Brenda- I needed a laugh.

  8. Those kinds of things just crack me up...Bella (my daughter)says I love you (to me) and Rich says I love you too (to me)...we laughed hard for a good 2 minutes...

    Silly silly


  9. ugh...i'm dreaming of spring, too!

  10. Dear The Bug,
    I'm also ready for spring. All the packed snow has broken up and become dirty. It looks like slag from a carbon emissions mine. Ick.

    however, I hear we do get more soon . . .

    Ann T.


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