Saturday, February 6, 2010

Project 365 - Week Six

Sunday, January 31st
Dr. M gave a presentation at the county historical society meeting – about the role of Ohio African American troops in the Civil War. He did a great job (I'm perhaps a bit biased) and was well-received by the mostly white-haired crowd. (Younger folks don't seem to care – or maybe they just don't have time until they retire?). Afterward we ate at a restaurant in town (this is where the sweater picture was taken). On our way home we had the sun in our eyes the whole time – but at the last minute it was beautiful.

Monday, February 1st
I was so amused by how I looked on my way home from work on Monday that I had to take a picture. See my shiny red nose & cheeks? This is NOT from the cold. I am famous for creating a sauna-like atmosphere in my car. By the time I think, "oh, it might be a bit warm in here," it's probably already 85 degrees.

Tuesday, February 2nd
I have two pictures from Tuesday. The first one was taken by Dr. M on his way home from school. I just really liked the clouds. That tiny dot in the sky is a plane.

The second picture is also from Dr. M's commute home. Geese standing on the icy pond at the park.

Wednesday, February 3rd
One of my coworkers remembered my tomato woes from last year (our little patio pot got the blight) & decided to get this for me to see if I would be able to kill tomatoes in a whole new way. I can't wait to get started!

Thursday, February 4th
That same coworker & I went to lunch at a local Indian restaurant. Boy, I wish I had this plate of food RIGHT now! It was a buffet, so yes I had a small plate of seconds. Obviously, I need to hang out with this coworker more often!

Dr. M took this picture on Thursday as well. I am HIGHLY amused that the courthouse in my own county has the Ten Commandments on the front lawn! LOLOLOL! This amusement is based on this post where I talk about covenant.

Friday, February 5th
We were supposed to get a lot of snow on Friday. We ended up with 3 – 5 inches here in our town, but surrounding counties got a LOT more. This is a picture from Dr. M's campus – one of those counties that had more than 10 inches of snow yesterday. His commute home was a bit treacherous – thank goodness for four wheel drive!

Here is a picture from our back yard Friday night.

Saturday, February 6th
Yet another day with two pictures. I can't seem to just pick one! The birds have really been enjoying our finch feeders. We usually put thistle in there, but the last time we bought seed we got another type as well as another bag of thistle. We put one type in each feeder. The birds totally ignored the inferior seed, so Dr. M mixed them together & refilled the feeders. I suspect that the birds are eating the thistle & dropping the inferior seed on the ground where the sparrows aren't as picky LOL.

Go here tomorrow to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. You have interesting sights around you. I was super-impressed with the back yard photo. Is that actual snow falling that you managed to capture?

  2. I didn't know you were doing 365- see what I miss when I'm offline so long? Love all the sky pics.

  3. Argent - yes that was snow. It was pretty cool!

    Bekah - yep - Mike is helping me with the pictures because he has a bit more of an interesting commute.

  4. This post made me laugh out loud at least four times, Bug.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your tomato growing stories this summer.

    Your red nose and cheeks are cute.

    Loved the photo of the geese.

  5. A very snowy week for a good bit of the country. Can't wait to see your Topsy Turvy tomatoes!

  6. that sunset is gorgeous!!

    I seem to create my own sauna these days with my hormones! ha!

    When I lived in IN, I used the topsy worked GREAT!!!

    everyone is posting snow pictures....but me.....YEA!!!

  7. Cute red nose and cheeks; loved that it wasn't from the cold.

    Loved the snow falling pic, as well! Very cool! I think lots of us have snow pics this week.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. thats alot of snow...i have been seeing alot of it here in blog land. i always wonder how ducks can still be in the icy ponds as if nothing were wrong! we have a pond in front of our house and they are never affected. great photos!

  9. Awesome show! I love the sun pic the most!

  10. I am SO craving Indian food now! :-)

    Dr. M takes great photos on his commute.

    Your auto sauna sounds like you're maybe missing Zambia -- just a little. :-)

  11. Love you snow pictures, however I wish I wasn't having to see the snow in real life though.

    Have a great week.

  12. I love the snow pictures but very glad that I can enjoy your pictures and not the snow!

    Blessings and great 365

  13. Ah, we're kindred spirits when it comes to the temp. in the car! Too bad my husband doesn't appreciate my tendencies...

  14. I think everyone should have red noses and cheeks from warmth instead of winter!! :) That Indian food looks yummy!
    Great week.

  15. Enjoyed your photos and your comment LOL ;)


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...