Monday, August 9, 2010

Child of a Frosty Morn

Dr. M has started his own blog! It's called Child of a Frosty Morn, & you can see its fabulousness here. I feel pretty smug about it – I drew him slowly into the blogverse until he was powerless to resist.

Although he can be pretty silly sometimes, as a historian he is very thoughtful and highly opinionated – about just about everything under the sun. Bekah mentioned that she wanted her husband to start a blog so he could have an outlet for his political frustrations. I feel the same way about Dr. M – he only has me as a rant audience and I leave a lot to be desired in that area.

Not that I expect his blog to only be a stage for rants. He's already posted two poems and a discussion of the textile mills in North Carolina. But I think we can safely say that his blog will be more about substance & I will be his fluffy foil. Which pretty much describes our marriage. Hey – it works!

So check him out & give him a warm blogger welcome!


  1. Nice! Now you can share this addiction! :c) For a while, my hubby kept wanting to post photos he'd taken to my blog as he enjoyed the comments he received. I finally had to put my foot down and say, "Hey, this is MY Journey Through Grace, and you need to get your own." LOL... he never has... yet. :c)

  2. Wonderful, I shall go visit him immediately :) I've heard so much about Dr. M and he sounds marvellous, how great that he has joined us here in blog-world :D

  3. Been there! I think he may be the first male blogger to add to my roll. It's about time!

  4. Sounds Great Dana! I bet he has lots of interesting things to say. I finally got my hubby to get involved also.

  5. Dear The Bug,
    I went, I saw, I read, I said
    My Goodness!

    I commented and followed! I am so glad C.L. is through the gate!

    Thanks for the heads-up,
    especially since I am 3 days and I think a hundred posts behind!
    Ann T.

  6. Visited Dr M's and signed up to follow!


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