Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I received my copy of Shadowstalking by Kat Mortensen today! It's a book of her poems – what a concept! I'm very impressed to be blog acquaintances with a published poet.

To prove that I actually have the book, here are pictures of a couple of Dr. M's sheep reading her poem Ghost Stories. We all thought that this choice was ironic given my poem about my mom yesterday – ghosts indeed!

You should check Kat out at her Invisible Keepsakes blog, or the Shadowstalking blog. Or you could just buy the book yourself – click here. You won't be disappointed.


  1. I think
    I just found a lovely blog
    like it
    visit mine :D

  2. The poetry books sounds wonderful, I may buy a copy :) One day, I hope to be a published poet too. One must have hope :D

  3. so sweet of you to promote her

    What a big heart you have

    moon smiles

  4. ha. its good even for sheep...smiles.

  5. Cool! I will definitely order a copy. Kat is an amazing poet.

  6. Dear The Bug,
    Thanks for the tip! I will check her blog out!

    Ann T.


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