Monday, August 23, 2010

Here Now Are Some Words

I’ve been staring at this blank page.
It’s a bit late for a post or a poem,
but I had something I wanted to say.

I wanted to say
that if Jesus could heal on the Sabbath
perhaps I can let go of my legalistic ways.

I wanted to say
that just because someone else isn’t tolerant
doesn’t mean that I must close my mind.

I wanted to say
that 8 minutes of snoozing in the morning
isn’t nearly enough time to awaken my brain.

I wanted to say
that I feel an internal disquiet that I understand
but don’t know how to comfort.

I wanted to say
that if filling up this page with words was my goal -
well, here now are some words.


  1. Interesting juxtaposition of thoughts!

  2. I wanted to say
    that I feel an internal disquiet that I understand
    but don’t know how to comfort.

    I think this can all be solved by giving yourself a hug, allowing you to love you just the way you are - or conversely, accepting a few hugs from others whilst realising they probably feel exactly the same! Here's one from me for starters 'Hug, hug!'

  3. You just said what I have been feeling today. How did you know???

  4. This feels like having a cup of tea with you after a long day. I like!

  5. "Just wanted to say..."
    You have said it all and filled the blank page with both words, pauses and thinking space.

  6. I'm with you on that "internal disquiet" thing. Yep, yep, yep.

  7. I laughed out loud, but it wasn't about what you wrote. I'll explain... I had just read G-Man's post in which he mentioned George Clooney's recent movie, "Men Who Stare At Goats".

    When I got to the lines - 'filling up this page with words was my goal' - my mind (which loves to play tricks on me) read the last word as 'goat' instead, like you were staring at the blank page the same way ol' Georgie stared at those goats.

    (It's like insanity the way words scramble around in my head sometimes - but I never claimed to be sane!)

  8. I that feeling has been going around lately. I haven't known what to say, exactly about so much that I want to write about. You just put all that not knowing so perfectly into words.

  9. ha. interesting the htoughts you chose to share....nice. the internal disquiet...yeah i dont care for that either...

  10. I appreciate all that you said. Wishing you blessings on the disquieting stuff. May it make some identifiable noise to offer a hint.

  11. Yes, that internal disquiet is catching. I hope I didn't give it to you! But at least it should make you feel good to know you're not alone, right?

  12. I like the form and I know some of those thoughts.

  13. Dear The Bug,
    Everyone has already said what I think, but I'll try.

    Internal restlessness. I know that feeling. Sometimes it is the prelude to something good. But how to find it? And sometimes, it is just exhausting.

    I really like this. Not many people identify this feeling as you have done.

    Ann T.

  14. This is so clever. You really filled up the page well.


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