Thursday, August 12, 2010

Weekly Wordzzle & New Hair!

I got my hair cut today. I wanted a pixie (have you seen Emma Watson's new hair – too cute!). But I'm not really the cute type any more. I'd probably look like a boy. With a tiny head. Because apparently I have a small head & small features. Which is funny because personally I think I have a big ole moon face.

Anyway, my stylist worked with me to do something much less drastic – cut a couple of inches off the bottom & trimming the ends. I know – I think I could have done that myself & saved some money too. Heh. I'm sharing the pictures for my family, so if you want to skip them to head straight for the Wordzlle go ahead.

OK, here's my Wordzzle's for the week. I really was going to try the mega, but I ran out of steam.
Mini-challenge: gradual, eagle's nest, martyrdom, pizza, pugilist

I wanted to look into the eagle's nest

Up the gradual incline to his feathered aerie
I wanted to push off that pugilist
But the idea of his martyrdom made me wary
So I stayed home & ate pizza instead.

10-word challenge: summer time blues, glasses, google, pregnant pause, integrated, suit and tie, parallel parking, shimmering, post card, slam dunk

My glasses start fogging up as soon as I reach my destination. Parallel parking is a nightmare for me. Back and forth, in & out – finally I'm somewhat in my space. I promise myself that when I get home I'll google a good parking tutorial. The asphalt is shimmering in the sun. This is the time of year I usually get my summer time blues – it's too hot and I can't afford to have a water vacation. At least I'm not a man. I didn't have to wear a suit and tie to this silly interview. The job is supposed to be a slam dunk, but the problem is that I don't really want it.

Inside the building I am directed to the correct office. The first question from the interviewer is, "If you were to be offered this position, how would you make sure that all of our human resources databases are integrated into the correct modules?"

Pregnant pause, as I digest the question. "Um. I'm unclear about how human resources databases relate to cleaning bathrooms, but if you give me an example, I'm sure I can figure it out. Or is this not the janitorial job?"

Back in my car I bang my head on the steering wheel for a while. I wonder if the interviewer is still laughing. I wonder if I could just sell the car and get enough money to go on a cruise. I could send a post card to the friend who set me up with an interview for a job as a PC Specialist. She thought it meant Public Cleaning Specialist. The post card would read, "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I went on this cruise, instead of cleaning the loo!"

You should go to Raven's blog to read the other Wordzzle participants. And join in – it can be addictive!


  1. I love these memes because everyone comes up with something so different from the others. I did the mini (not posting until next week) and it sounds nothing like yours!

  2. Wonderful wordzzle, the poem are prose are delightful. Your first piece reminded me of "The Eagle" by Tennyson :)

  3. Dear The Bug,
    I like the cut! And I think it would be hard to get the back without a stylist!

    You have very pretty hair. And the small head thing--who makes this stuff up? I think b/c on T.V. they like people with big heads.

    Ann T.

    Oh, no, and more important--I really like what you did with the mini. I would be pounding my head on the desk on these, for sure!!

    Good deal!
    Ann T.

  4. Dana, your hair is gorgeous...!

  5. Love the new hairstyle
    The wordzzles are great too. The major made me laugh and wince with recognition

  6. Cute hair! And your wordzsle thingie is fab, as always.

  7. loved the ending of the 10-word challenge. made me laugh out loud. it's so hard to do that.

    you're adorable in your new cut and i only wish i had your hair. a little hair-envy going on here.

  8. ok - d'you know i was going to say how much i loved the pome and how much the people in my office now think i'm a nut job for laughing out loud

    And then i read the story about the interview. I think i have been to interviews like this myself!

    Genius on both counts - you have a great flair for humour

  9. I'm laughing right now. Your story was great, and after seeing Emma Watson's hair cut.. I went and got mine cut on Monday! My hair is chin length now. I have had a pixie cut in the past, but I ended up letting it just grow out because I got tired of always going in for a trim.

  10. That's an excellent 10-word challenge. I have to admit that I have a hard time using the word "shimmering" in a sentence that doesn't refer to heaving bosoms or "integrated" over somthing other than an infinite domain over the complex plane; a real handicap.

    Also - I heard about Emma Watson's hair cut and decided that she definitely should have donated her hair to a cancer/burn victim. (Someone would have been the envy of the children's ward...)

  11. You are clearly in a poetic mood tonight. I the first poem, which made me giggle and the story which made me laugh out loud (and had a poem in it too).

    Great hair cut!

  12. New hair - looking good!

    Mini - most chuckleworthy but I really loved the 10-worder there. I genuinely LOLed.

  13. Cracked.Me.Up! Your writing style tickles my funny bone...dry, wry and with a twist of sarcasm. Love it!

    LOVE the new haircut! Had to laugh a little at what you wrote about that too -- I'm another one with a small head. Do you have trouble finding hats to fit? :)

  14. Oh my soul! I had such a good laugh at this. Thank you for cheering up my day with your clever writing.


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