Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Magpie #28

She's Gonna Wash That Man

At page one hundred twelve
she adds more hot
At page two hundred three
she decides it’s not
working anymore.
The plot is a mystery
and the characters,
strangers. Wistfully
she closes the book
and considers her dilemma.
Bubbles burst in empathy.
Hopes dashed are in a
lather of disappointment
She sinks beneath the surface
where her heart beat
is loud with purpose.
At last the bath is done.
As she dries off that shame
despair swirls down the drain.
She can’t even remember his name.

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  1. It's amazing what a hot bath can do. My favorite bit here is "lather of disappointment". Nice piece, Bug. (hope you're not getting rid of Dr. Linthead)

  2. I love the adding of my hot. I totally do that too. If the book doesn't work the bath is cut short. If the book works pruning inevitable.

  3. Wonderfully written. I love how the "Bubbles burst in empathy."

  4. Dear The Bug,
    Oh, yes. Another great poem. You juxtapose the ambiguity between real life and novel, how they slide back and forth. I love this!

    Bubbles bursting. Just one of many reinforcing phrases.

    Ann T.

  5. "Bubbles bursting in empathy and despair swirling down the drain - now that's what I call a bath. Loved it.

  6. Oh yes! I so agree.

  7. Beautiful and charming poem, a good bath does clear one's head, perhaps too much :) This was a joy, as always.

  8. Bug, this is awesome! I love what you did with it...great Magpie!

  9. I have never been able to read in the tub. You know, I loathe to get the pages wet!

    Another piece well done. Bravo!

  10. Eek! A soggy book is not good!But the words were full of dry humour to compensate...

  11. I love everything about this poem, the wonderful word choices, the vivid imagery, and most of all the heavy emotions and the stains they leave, swirling down the drain along with memory.


  12. Hello Bug! I adore this, just this alone, that I get to call you Bug.

    Fascinating poem. Could have several meanings actually. I have explored them all with several re-reads. Thank you!

  13. Great Magpie.

    she closes the book
    and considers her dilemma.
    Bubbles burst in empathy.'

    Very nice lines. :-)

  14. This wonderful array of bathtub Magpies is making me wish I had a tub - alas, I only have a shower!

  15. Just what a good bath should do: instant amnesia where "he" is concerned.

  16. I could hear the tune being hummed, as the water drained away. Nice.

  17. How true...and delighful to read. I loved ....Bubbles burst in empathy. Lovely writing.

  18. "a lather of disappointment"
    I loved this take on the photo!

  19. What a last line.

    And I like that heart beat with purpose, mm, thinking about that.

  20. I love the last three lines! I wish it were that easy to wash our troubles down the drain. Lovely poem.

  21. wow - great pome

    My bathroom is only big enough for a shower, so i have all but forgotten what it's like to have a bath.

    This felt like one of those adverts for chocolate where the woman chomps phallicly on a flake whilst the bath overflows and a lizard climbs onto the ever-ringing telephone - only better

  22. I'm amazed anyone could read 200 pages while sitting in a bath! I guess I just don't read that fast! :)

  23. i like this.. the heart beats louder under the water.. yeah.. beautifully written..


  24. great poem.well done, great read

  25. Bug,
    At least she had a good soak and a great poem.

  26. the book did not work,. but i sure hope the soak helped to rinse him away...nice magpie!

    my magpie

  27. Great read both in the bath and here...nothing to fell guility about here....Well done ...bkm

  28. Great pacing -- a whole story in a bath.

  29. I love the flow of this piece.
    my teens were spent escaping in tubs with reads.
    Well Done!

  30. loved the first line especially. great piece. for some reason i really would love a bubble bath right now...

  31. Every time I read it , i read a different interpretation... absolutely magical... I too want a nice hot bath with a book that works. smiles.

  32. Ooh, I really liked this. I loved the page turning and the state of being swirling down the drain.

  33. It's amazing what a hot bath can do. Nice Magpie.


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