Monday, August 23, 2010

A Premature Post about Fall

Unlike last year at this time, I am not bemoaning the end of summer. I don't know if it's because I'm tired of having the same finch, garden & hummingbird pictures on my Project 365 post (not!) or if posting those pictures has made me more aware of necessary passage of time (yes). In any case, here is a list of reasons why I know I'm ready for fall:
  1. I am tired of messing with my toes! Polish* them, take the polish off, file them for heaven's sake (instead of clipping them within an inch of their life), put more polish on. It just takes entirely too much effort. I'm ready to slather those puppies with lotion & cover them with cotton socks (can't contemplate woollies until winter).
  2. I'm ready for baseball season to end. Yes, I know that I have two more months, but we're winding down. I want to start going to bed by 10:00 every night!
  3. I am so tired of my summer clothes. I guess I could buy something new, but I really hate shopping, & we are trying to not spend unnecessary dollars right now.
  4. I'm ready for cooler temps (she says with "dew" on her upper lip).
  5. I can't think of anything else. The truth is that I'm still a little sad at the idea that summer will be over (sort of) soon. But I'm going to put my game face on & get ready to take pictures of fall leaves. After all, I don't actually have much choice in the matter!

*Does anyone else see the country first & then realize that it's supposed to be color for nails?


  1. I am weary of being hit in the face with knock-you-down heat every time I open the door. I am so looking forward to the screen doors being able to let in cool breezes! By August I am usually always quite ready for summer to end. Fall and spring.. my favorite times hands down!

  2. I love that picture of the fall leaves. Fall is one of my favoriate times. I'm ready for a night when I can open my windows and actually feel a breeze.

  3. Dearest Bug, re: Polish, apparently not, as I just stared at your note for several minutes trying to figure out what the heck you were talking about.

  4. My sentiments exactly, I reply, with dew on my upper lip.

  5. Summer around here ends about the same time the World Series ends.

  6. I could really feel it this morning when I went out about 8 AM. Nice breeze and pleasant.

  7. :D I like what you do with your nails bcoz I'm just too lazy to do it so frequently..summer or not!
    Ohmigod you do not like shopping!Ok ditto..I donot!:D

  8. I haven't eaten my first sweet blackberry picked off the vine in my very own driveway yet! I'm still waiting for summer to START here. :(

    Though, I must say, I have been polishing (not Polish-ing) my toenails since the calendrical (just made that word up) start of summer, and I'm tired of it too!

  9. I've made my last camping trip of the year two weekends ago, so I'm ready for fall. It would be nice to get in a car without feeling like I'm stepping into a blast furnace. In fact, I've already posted something for fall: Autumn Leaves

  10. oh i can not wait until fall! love the cool mornings and the walks int eh woods as the trees rain down their colorful beauty...

  11. one of the few good things about living on the Left Coast is that I can watch all the sports I want to and still get to bed at a decent time.

  12. We've had such a miserably HOT summer here in CT that the trees have begun to turn and shed their leaves in August! The New England 'leaf peepers' better get here quick because Mother Nature has had it with summer. It's the fall wardrobe for her. Are those trees in your pic from this fall already? Beautiful!

  13. i let the nails go nude -- 10 months of exposed toes down here in florida makes me very lazy!!!

  14. *Sigh* I wish I could say the same, but I desperately want summer to carry on in the hope we might get some good weather. We've had hardly any it hasn't been the best of summers. Oh well. There's always next year. Here's to a happy autumn! :D

  15. Fall is my favorite time of year, so I'm really, really looking forward to it!

  16. *heh, heh* I'm ready for fall too. We have had so many forest firest in British Columbia this year, the smoke plume has gone all the way to Manitoba...! I love fall.

  17. You're ready for fall and I'm ready for spring :) I do love fall, though. In the U.S. it was my favorite season. Here there's such a small difference in seasons, I just like 'em all :) But right now I'd like some consistently warmer weather so I can tackle some painting projects.

    I am SOOOOO tired of ALL my clothes, of the warm or cool weather kind, since I've been wearing them for YEARS now. But (1) finding clothes my size, and (2) finding anything in cotton [a must in my opinion] is nigh unto impossible. Argentine women apparently are all stick thin and have a passion for polyester. UGH.

  18. Autumn leaf photo is from last fall...the dry weather is knocking some maple leaves off already, so who knows what we might have this fall :-( Fasten your seat belts, boys and girls...Mother Nature is a bit PO'd at us, it would seem.

  19. Dear The Bug,
    Oh, yes, constant maintenance in summer, ick! Clothes that can't last the season out, ick! Dew on the upper lip and forehead, not to mention! Ick!

    I am also ready for fall. Already looking at new clothes! Already mentally slating many summer rags to trash can, just as soon as mid-September rolls around.

    I'm with ya, in short!
    Ann T.

  20. What beautiful trees!! We are 'so' looking forward to fall to get here {she says with dew on her lip}. {priceless. ha!}


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