Sunday, August 28, 2011

Things Are Looking Up

I haven't written a poem in so long that I think I've forgotten how. But I decided that I would just jump back into the fray & hope that the quality improves with time. Kind of like how I'm re-learning to walk without a limp.

Mary, from In the Corner of My Eye is stirring the Poetry Jam this week & has asked us to write a poem about Always Looking Up. Here's my response - thanks for getting me going again Mary! Go here to read other responses to the prompt.

Things Are Looking Up

I’m examining the cracks
on the sidewalk.
They are my enemy
as I hobble along.

Leaning on this vital stick,
I consider the grim reality
of pitted concrete
and an unsteady gait.

Oh, but it won’t be too long
until I am looking up
at the sky and the trees
and the face of my companion.

Each step is a giant step
on this moon-cratered concrete.
I risk a glance at your face
and smile fiercely at the sun.


  1. Love the poem. I love writing them too....just haven't in a while.

  2. Lovely and fierce--just like I like 'em. You obviously haven't forgotten how to write a poem, even if you have to learn to walk anew. Hang in there, Bug and thanks for your strength, twinkly

  3. "Bug," It seems that this prompt fit you very well. I liked your poem a lot. Sometimes we all limp along a little while in life or in poetry, as we look for new footing. Sometimes we just need to take the risk and look up or to write the words!

  4. Well, it sounds great to me... love the beginning. Welcome back!

  5. Looks like writing poetry is like riding a bicycle -- your absence has not lessened your skill. Filled with perfect images that carry the message so well.

  6. You have not lost your magic touch ....

  7. Then I pray your path is smooth for the rest of the day! lol


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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