Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Well, I have a lot to be thankful for this week! I'm sitting in my own home composing this post from the comfort of our futon. I got discharged today about 3:30 or so. I'll have home health care come in for two weeks to do blood draws (because I'm on coumadin to thin my blood) & help with physical therapy. The PT in the hospital wasn't bad at all - I think I'll ace this recuperation. As I said to Dr. M today, I don't know why I couldn't just go ahead & go back to work now. There's the little issue of not being cleared to drive yet, but otherwise I think it would be a breeze to go back to work. Heh. Daddy & Amy are coming to visit & help out on the 22nd so I'll be taking my full three weeks off no matter what I think about the situation.

Dr. M has just been the BEST. He worked hard to get the house ready for me & a walker. We were a little concerned about me and this potential weapon, but he did such a good job so no worries here. While he was out getting my prescriptions filled I snuck* and took a couple of pictures. The first one is showing how he fixed the kitchen so I could actually go between the table & the refrigerator. The second one is me at the wheel, so to speak - aren't I always taking pictures while I'm on the go? As you can see, life is good right now.

So, what are you thankful for today?

* I don't think I knew until just now that snuck wasn't a real word. I use it all the time, so I consider it to be a word. I mean, I wouldn't use a made up word, would I? Heh.


  1. If you go and mess up Dr. Autry's most excellent work, I will wamp you with a knotted plow line. :-)

  2. I love the glimpses you share of your marriage. And I'm thankful you're mobile and feisty!

  3. Who says snuck isn't a real word? Is to.

    I'm thankful that you are breezing through this.

  4. so glad you are doing well! great 'catching up' with you. take care of you and don't overdo it at the first sign of recovery, my friend. rest. blog. and rest. ;)

  5. I am so glad you are at home....I know recovering in your own surrounding will help the process to very much!


    PS: I'm not sure what a knotted plow line is but I think I would be minding my P's and Q's with that hubby of yours (LOL) It's good to have such a wonderful caretaker isn't it!

  6. all words are made up at some point

    good to see you doing well

  7. You are CRAZY... willing to go back to work? you're a machine of STEEL! :) Well, kinda now, you really are with that new hip! haha!

  8. Hey! Keep both hands on the walker, lady. That thing has wheels, and you don't need to lose your balance and have it skitter out from under you. Behave yourself.

    (This has been a Verbal Whomping from the Dept. of Nance. No charge.)

  9. How wonderful that you are doing so well. Do not let that lull you into forgetting the substantial injury you body has endured. The anesthesia, the blood loss, and the surgery all combined mandate that you take it easy. Most people take 4-6 weeks from work after a total hip. Don't rush back before you are ready.

    Bet you never thought that having a blog meant more people to nag you!

  10. That's the percocet speaking! As for why I couldn't spell "whomp"...could have been fatigue...yeah, that's it: fatigue.

  11. You just can't keep a good woman down can you? On this Thursday...I'm thankful for good women!!!

  12. Dana - You are doing remarkably well. Keep up the good work.

  13. Just shows to go ya--ya can't keep a good woman down.

    So glad you're feeling better.

  14. I'm thankful that you are up and about at home. Home is so much better than the hospital.

    I hope your recovery continues to go well!

  15. I'm so glad you're doing well, but take it easy. Don't do too much too soon.


    Snuck is a perfectly fine word. Every Southerner knows that. We use it all the time. It's kin to squoze - She squoze a lot of lemons to make that lemonade!

  16. Apologies for not dropping by for a while... This looks like a hell of a thing to go through! Great to see you looking so upbeat in all the photos.

  17. I agree with the others. Who told you snuck isn't a word? Really!

    Easy does it with that walker thing before it takes over. Get some rest there while you're at it. :-)

  18. Oh dear!~ ok...I've spent a little time reading your last few posts and have caught up now. Poor you! Hope your recovery goes well. Milk it for all it's worth! haha. Be pampered. :)


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