Thursday, March 1, 2012


For the Poetry Jam this week Mary has given us the task of writing an Anaphora poem. Here’s the definition of an Anaphora: "the repetition of a word or expression several times within a clause or within a paragraph." I actually do that a lot in my poetry (here, here and here for example) - I just didn’t know it had a name. Here’s my effort for this week. After you’ve read it please be sure to go here to check out other responses to the prompt!


I felt that sharp fierce joy
I grasped it with my right hand
I held it there encupped
Then I opened my fingers
And saw an empty palm

I felt that deep bitter despair
I clutched it in my left hand
I held it there imprisoned
Then I opened my fingers
And saw an empty palm

I couldn’t hold the joy
I couldn’t hold the despair
I felt freedom caress my cheek
Then I drank the wide blue sky
And poured it out for you


  1. This is a powerful poetic technique and I think you use it skillfully.

  2. did it beautifully bug... i like the repetition of the line scheme as well in the first two stanzas and mod a bit in the last...the last stanza is def my fav!

  3. strong take on what it can be, on a good day, to make a good poem. to drink the whole wide sky and "pour it out for you".

  4. I like this. It is true that you can't either hold joy or despair 'in your hands' for long. In the end our palms will be empty...but the last TWO lines are beautiful and filled with love.

    (Like you, I often use repetition...without even thinking about it. I do think it often strengthens a poem!)

  5. I am learning...thanks for the definition. This is a wonderful piece.

  6. Well done, a beautiful poem

  7. Absolutely love this! Mints for you!

  8. As usual, I'm completely smitten by your turn of a phrase.

  9. Beautiful. So true and you said it in such a lovely way. I'm impressed once again.

  10. Beautiful imagery. We can't hold it at all but, yet, we have it all if we 'think' we do.

  11. Really enjoyed this! I especially like the ending!!

  12. This gave me one of those "wistful but still smiling" feelings, a beautiful poem. Also in awe of those last two lines, very powerful!

  13. Nice write Bugs! The repetition makes it beautiful. I too didn't realize there's a name for it. Thanks for dropping by.


  14. You've crafted something really special here...and I enjoyed it each time I read and re-read it.

  15. I love the message in this beautiful poem Bug. Letting go is one of the greatest freedoms of all. :-)

  16. Beautiful poem with a beautiful message:)


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