Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Sixteen

How to describe our week? Busy! I had dinner with my friend again on Tuesday (I did not document the burger & ice cream this week) & I had choir practice on Wednesday. And then Dr. M had a ceremony at school last night & didn’t get home until nearly 10:00. For me that’s a lot of activity (ok, you busy moms and pastor’s wives just be quiet now!). But our pictures don’t really reflect the busy-ness. I like that – my P365 post is a calm oasis. Ahh!

Sunday, April 15th      
Some of you may have seen this saying circulating on Facebook lately. My sister-in-law (who is height challenged) decided that she needed such a shirt for her birthday, so I decided to rise to the challenge. I did have a snafu. Wrong printer setting - oops. I put it on the back of the shirt.

Ok, here you can read it.

I also made her a couple of dishcloths.

Monday, April 16th   
Dr. M’s early morning moon. It’s a bit blurry, but I love the stone washed denim look of the sky.

When I got home from work I had to get a picture of our debris filled yard – whirligigs everywhere!

Tuesday, April 17th
Dr. M took some bird pictures today – it was fun to see a goldfinch.


The weekly squirrel.

Wednesday, April 18th  
We used to see hot air balloons all the time from the balcony of our old apartment, but we rarely see them where live now. A treat!

Thursday, April 19th   
Campus squirrel (not to be confused with the weekly squirrel).

There was a commemoration of the Doolittle Tokyo Raid near where Dr. M works – he took a lot of pictures of the B-25s & other planes that were flying over campus.

While he was doing that, I was in my car in the parking lot at work listening to my audio book, so I took a picture of the sky too (mine is a little more boring than his – ha!)

Friday, April 20th     
The State of the Bug – raggedy! There will be some hair cutting soon. It might even be by me. If I do decide to cut my own hair (highly likely at this point – but only an inch or three), I’ll be sure to have Dr. M document the process.

On Friday I wrote a silly post about the geese in the fountain at work. Then I took this picture that documents how terrified the goose is of the plastic orca (see here for a better picture of the orca).

Saturday, April 21st     
The Saturday meeting of the Board of Directors – they’re quite iridescent today!

Fat fat robin – our birds are so underfed – ha!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I like that T-shirt design for short pople. Got to get me one of those.

  2. Love the goldfinch! It's funny that the goose is scared of the plastic orca. In college my roommate's cat was terrified of a plastic shark toy that we kept in our living room. SO funny.

  3. Busyness is a very individual thing so don't feel bad about that...we all have different tolerances and I think God gives us what we need when we need it.

    That shirt is so much causes me great anxiety to even think about making something homemade for someone, so kudos to yoU!

  4. Tell Dr.M I'd be right there for the Doolittle Commemoration, too.

    Believe it or not K talked me into cuttting her hair a couple of weeks ago. Yes...ME! I sliced and diced for a half hour using my mustache trimmer and lo and behold, it turned out pretty good. ;)

    That robin looks like he's about to explode!


  5. I always love seeing your week. Can't wait to see the hair cut.

  6. Girl...get the hankies out if you're going to cut your own hair. You're a braver woman than I could ever be.

  7. i cut my own hair quite often...mainly in the front and on the sides...saves me quite a bit. I usally get a real haircut every 9 weeks or so

    you and I share a lot of the same that yellow finch

    and, i have way 2 many squirrels fighting for my birdseed

  8. You are a brave woman if you cut your own hair. I have two left hands when it comes to hair care, I have trouble with curling irons and hair dryers. Oh, the damage I could do with scissors!

    LOL at the goose being afraid of the orca. When my youngest brother was little, he was afraid of black sock fuzz floating in the bath tub.

  9. Goldfich and the oh-so-terrified goose for me.

    And don't cut your hair yourself! I just think that's what sensible people always say.

  10. I hack at my own hair all the time, but it has choppy layers, so I can't really damage it too terribly. My stylist hollers at me if I goof with my bangs, though.

    Your Board has to work on Saturdays? What a slavedriver you are!

  11. hahaha
    Ivan was looking over my shoulders at the pretty pictures of the planes, and then your photo came up and he was confused :) So I had to read your caption. hehe

    I got a photo of a bird this week! Well, actually Ivan took the photo, but I had to include it on my blog :) Everyone else has bird photos, and I wanted one too!

    Have a wonderful week!

  12. Great week! I love yellow birds!

    When the Hubs and I were in SF we got to see the Blue angles fly over the bay. Impressive. It is so interesting to watch the old planes fly and watch who much skill is necessary to maneuver all the difficult turns and trick they do in the air!

    Love the dishcloths...I may have to make some for Christmas gifts this, great idea!


  13. Great week! I love yellow birds!

    When the Hubs and I were in SF we got to see the Blue angles fly over the bay. Impressive. It is so interesting to watch the old planes fly and watch who much skill is necessary to maneuver all the difficult turns and trick they do in the air!

    Love the dishcloths...I may have to make some for Christmas gifts this, great idea!


  14. hahaha, I havent seen/heard that saying! that's funny!!
    I love whirligigs!! brings back great childhood memories!
    your hair is long! maybe you should get it cut like mine. ;-)

  15. Everyone loves dishclothes for a gift! They're fabulous!

    Look how long your hair is getting!!!!

  16. I LOVE that shirt!!!

    this last week our yard was full of these tiny round leaves/petals that blow off the clogs up all the french drains which is a problem when it rains for sure!

    I would be so scared to cut my own hair!!!

  17. I need a shirt like that!
    Those crocheted dish rags are my favorite. My DIL made me some.
    The whirligigs look like potato chips lined up. yum.
    Love the pic of squirrel eye!
    Cute Bug! Not raggedy, layered.
    Have a fun week! And think about when you might be coming to visit.

  18. As usual you and Dr. M did not disappoint. I had never seen thos things that were all over the yard. Loved the crocheted dish rags. Loved your picture too...and the yellow bird. Looks like your week was a bang up one.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Eleven

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