Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Poem (or two) in My Pocket

Tomorrow is Poem in Your Pocket day. You can read about it here. Rather than pick a favorite poem to carry around I decided to write my own. I’m trying a new form, the TriCube, created by Phillip Larrea. Basically there are three stanzas with three lines each, with each line containing three syllables. You can read about Phillip & some (much better!) examples of the TriCube form here.

My first one, inspired by what’s happening outside our house right now:

All that rain
 washing clean
  washed away.

 blurring with

Words in pools
 at my feet
  wanting boots.

And this one – aimed at Mike – ha!

  Behind me
I hear your
  fingers tap -

  Words will fly
across space
  to some friend

  Close the lid!
Shut it down!
  Kiss my face!


  1. Great TriCubes! Love Your Posts!

  2. I'm not familiar with this form of poetry, but it's quite interesting. You seem to have mastered it very well.

  3. Now I sit here wondering if the first one really said what I think it said and chuckling about the second one because I actually understood it. Human has never been strong on understanding clever poetry - lol

  4. Interesting! I've never heard of a tri-cube, but it sounds like a fun challenge. Yours turned out really well! I like the words wanting boots.

  5. Oh wait -- I guess YOU want the boots because the words are pooled at your feet. Duh!

  6. Nice ! fun and cheerful, thanks.

  7. another sort of haiku, just right for the magnetic poetry kit.

  8. I loved them! Both create such nice images.

  9. Both are wonderful! Fear not! Your words did not drown.

  10. I like both of those!

    Have I missed the day itself?

  11. Lovely Form - particularly like the last line! So simple and imperitive!

  12. "Kiss my face"! Love the wildness of that line.

  13. smiles...both of these are fun..hopefully your feet did not get too wet for the first one...

    and you got your kiss in the second...smiles.

  14. Yes, I like them both too especially the kissing one:)

  15. I surely did like them both - but I laughed out loud at the second. It's a neat form, and you did well.

    Not only that, this kind of poem would fit nicely in a pocket.


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