Wednesday, April 11, 2012

10 on 10

Yesterday I thought I’d try the 10 on 10 thing again, this time on the actual 10th. If you recall I did 14 on 14 last month because I forgot. I should do 14 on 14 again this month because it’s on a Sunday & being as how the 10th was on a Tuesday you mostly get pictures of my desk at work again. Note: I didn't edit any of these pictures because it's almost 9:30 at night & I'm tired. So there.

10:30 (This is when I remembered that it was the 10th.) I had just finished a task that involved a spreadsheet with tiny print. So, cross-eyed Bug.

11:30  Lunch! Yes, I usually eat this early. This is a Lean Cuisine (portabella mushroom something-or-other) plus some leftover shelled edamame, red beans & corn.

12:30  Since I ate while I was working, I spent my lunch time working on a crochet project.

1:30  Here’s a shot of some actual work – the UPS website where I printed a label for a package.

2:30  Snack time. It’s a very pink snack – pink lemonade & yogurt with banana & almonds.

3:30  I took the package I prepared earlier to the UPS bin on the 2nd floor.

4:30  I had to use an actual calculator for a computation for a spreadsheet. Well, actually I didn’t trust my spreadsheet’s math so I was doing it manually to see if it matched. It did. Imagine that!

5:30  Drive by shooting on my way home from work. (With my camera – you knew I meant my camera, right?)

7:30  Took a friend to dinner (we were driving at 6:30 – I didn’t want to alarm her with my mad driving photo skills). I had the shrimp stir fry.

8:00  Dessert! Here’s what Joanne had.

And here’s mine.

No, I didn’t eat the whole thing – this is how much I boxed up to bring home.

OK, while I like my job a lot, it’s kind of boring to other people – plus I can’t really take pictures of most of the stuff I do (typing letters, running reports & organizing my case docket is just too confidential – ha!). I’m thinking that next month I’m going to do this project on a weekend day & see if it’s more interesting!


  1. What a howl! Your day made mine way more interesting! lol

  2. You get a lot more accomplished than I do, except I'd have finished the dessert!

  3. Actually, the seemingly mundane details of an average day are pretty interesting! I like seeing what you do and how you spend your time, even at your desk.

  4. exactly half those pictures were of food.

  5. I stare at tiny spreadsheets ALL DAY LONG... so yes, my eyes are like that permanently! :)

    I like this idea - I may have to do it myself :)

  6. LOL Ellen this is true - I think I'm seeing a pattern here :)

  7. LOL Ellen this is true - I think I'm seeing a pattern here :)

  8. If you do it on will have to do 15 on 15. Sunday is my birthday. April 15th. Loved that dessert it looked yummy. You got a lot accomplished on your 10 on 10. I might have to try that one sometime.

  9. You have a real talent at taking photos of yourself. I have tried that and mine never turn out like yours. The food looks good...I am dieting and those foods aren't on it..:(.....I may have to try something like this sometime. Photo my daily events.

  10. Actually I enjoyed seeing what you do. And no job is boring if you like it.

    I figure it is a bit unusual for you to have such a decadent dessert on a week night.

  11. I love this idea. I liked seeing your day from your point of view. And the food looked scrumptious.

  12. It looks like you are crocheting the sky. And the UPS site looks like fun! I couldn't believe it when I scrolled down and saw all that stuff going on. Wow.

  13. I love the cloud crochet!
    And I'll have what Joanne's having.

  14. I'm guessing that the cross eyed pic will be the state of the bug photo for the week? :)

  15. Of all the delightful pics, I'm taking away the idea of making "pink snacks" for my granddaughter! What a fun project...thank you, Bug!

  16. You're killin' me with those desserts! I woke up extra early this morning (3:30) and have been surfing the web and trying to be quiet so Ivan can continue sleeping. But now I'm going to have to go forage in the kitchen. haha

    That's the EXACT same look I get when working on our monthly expense reports. Anything with numbers make me slightly cross-eyed :) Aren't we glad we don't have to deal with numbers 24/7?!

  17. I've looked like that first photo every night this week. Cross eyed confusion--but I think it was because of all of the driving.

    I'm worried about tonight. Nothing good can come of it being Friday the 13th...except that once I clock out, I'm off until Monday.

  18. It is neat to "follow you" through the course of your day via your pictures. LOL at checking your spreadsheet's math with a calculator. I may or may have done that myself once or twice... :-p

    I'll have all of your dessert AND Joanne's!


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