Monday, April 2, 2012

Here I Will Rest

image: ParkeHarrison

I’ve gone round and round
until my excuses
and arguments
and lack of good sense
have twined into
a comfortable delusion.
Here I will rest.
Here, I will rest.

This is a Magpie Tale. Go here to read other tales. Also, if you want to have your socks blown off, check out my husband's Magpie here - wow!


  1. Oh how I love this poem!
    So many of us build nests of 'comfortable delusion'. But, I hold my tongue this time. Shh!

  2. i really like this...nicely done indeed

  3. Very reflective. A good match with the picture.

  4. I love this! I get so caught up in your funny side that I forget what a good poet you are! Well, you ARE!

  5. Nice movement in this poem. I might, if anything, work with the line break to slow it down at the very end so that the reader "rests with you. " Do you get what I mean?

  6. .. 'comfortable delusion' ~ you hit a home run with this Magpie.

  7. Yes, I can relate to this....a powerful write Bug! :-)

  8. I read some other poems to do with this photograph & yours is my favourite :)

  9. This appeals to me. I was never good at delusion. Always met things head on no matter how unpleasant. Then I had a teenager. Delusion can be nice.

  10. SO do we ALL live in some kindof a delusion?? I do believe we DO! Now, do we all KNOW IT!!?!?!?!??!

  11. Superb - love the reflective perfection.


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