Monday, April 9, 2012


I’ve turned over a
new leaf so often
that my soul should be
a fine compost by now.

And yet.

Some days I see
a withered vine
(the sight of which
drives me to my
lip balm and
water bottle).

And some days I see
a vast green field
so terrifying that
I can’t speak of it.
Can’t speak.

I think a bonfire is in order.

Or, perhaps,
a new metaphor.

image: djajakarta

Yes, in fact, I did add that last line to make this poem (marginally) fit the Magpie. I woke up this morning with that first line in my head & had to get the poem written down. Then I saw that there was a new Magpie prompt. After wrestling with it all day (well, I had to work as well – ha!) I added one line to the poem instead of changing it. I know you can tell I put a lot of thought into it. (This is where the sarcasm font would be so useful).
Anyway, go here to read other offerings that were probably written with the Magpie prompt in mind!


  1. I don't know how my blogger friends have time to work and do all these prompts and challenges. You guys must be a lot more organized than I am.

  2. i love the first stanza...and that a withered vine makes you feel parched yet a grassy field a bonfire...interesting conundrum that...smiles.

  3. I enjoyed reading your poem, Bug. It feels much like the way I felt when I wrote my poem this week, but you expressed your thinking way more succinctly then I was able to do. I don't like thinking about large bodies of water with no shore visible in the distance. I am okay with fields. Thanks for sharing. =D

  4. "I’ve turned over a
    new leaf so often
    that my soul should be
    a fine compost by now."

    Love it. I've certainly done my share of leaf-turning-over. We just keep trying.

  5. I thibnk it worked out well and I love the first stanza!

  6. You can turn a phrase quite well, too.

  7. Great poem...not sure how you poetic types do it!!

  8. Try to set fire to it all, Bug, and stand there cackling madly, but perhaps it will be too green ?

  9. Nice one. And oh, find me that metaphor!

  10. Dana - I like it, like it.

    Can you send me a bag of that compost please? Or whatever you can spare.

    Love, Phil.

  11. I love your take on turning over a new leaf! Rings true for many of us.

  12. See how much admiration that first stanza is getting? Hmmmm....

    (I agree, btw. Put it in your Work In Progress portfolio.)

    UNRELATED: We had a few soggy snowflakes in NEO this AM. Did you?

  13. Jump start for my brain this morning, trying to come up with a new metaphor!!!

  14. Brilliant Bug...I can certainly relate to being a compost...

  15. I can relate to this Bug.....awesome writing here!!! :-)

  16. oh I loved that one :) It's wonderful. I love the varying line lengths. And your full stops. Gorgeous.

  17. I so enjoyed this piece - it speaks to many parts of my mind. (and body) :)

  18. And your compost provides such a fertile soil for your words. :)

  19. I LOVE that first line!
    I never wake up with anything that lovely on my mind.
    I do not think I have a poetic soul, and it's so obvious you DO!
    The entire poem is very good.
    But that first line will stick with me for a long time.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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