Sunday, January 26, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Four

I was quite restrained in my photo selections this week – mostly because Dr. M posted lots of pictures here and here. They’re great pictures – check them out!

Sunday, January 19th   
We visited our local fen today. It was kind of cold.

Monday, January 20th
A host of sparrows waits for Dr. M to fill the feeders.

The construction crew isn’t doing a very good job of keeping our cairn clear.

Tuesday, January 21st            
Sunset on Dr. M’s way home.

Wednesday, January 22nd
A murder of crows cavorting over the sunflower bones.

My lunch for tomorrow (that’s diced sweet peppers in the small container).

Thursday, January 23th    
Buffy the buffalo with her goat sidekicks (one of whom is staring at Dr. M – imagine!)

My soup, with the diced peppers mixed in – yummy!

So, I had a bit of a mishap with my hair this day. I don’t wash it every day & some mornings it isn’t as “fresh” as I might like. I had the bright idea of putting some powder in it. But the only powder I had was BLUE (with a peppermint fragrance). Yeah that was dumb. It wouldn’t all brush out so my scalp had this nice blue tint. So I pulled it back. Sigh.

Friday, January 24th  
The icy Little Miami River.

Saturday, January 25th   
Our front yard.

Cardinal in the snow squall. It was windy!

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. If you hadn't pointed it out, I don't think I would have noticed the blue tint in your hair, LOL! I'll bet that just made your day, huh? You could have just told everyone you were trying out for a part in the new smurf movie! ;0)

    You are brave walking around in the cold like that. I'm guessing it wasn't -8 on the day you visited the fen?

    1. Ha! was in the 30s F I think. Nothing like the bitter cold days.

  2. You probably should have added "It was kind of cold" to every day's comments... ;-)

    LOL at your blue scalp! I have to wash my hair every day, or it would look like someone had taken my head sometime during the night and mopped the kitchen floor with it. Sadly, my kitchen floor does not look like this scenario happened.

    1. PP, it is "kind of cold" up here just now :-) Ha! Our kitchen floor does not look like that scenario happened, either.

  3. "A murder of crows cavorting over the sunflower bones." You do have a way with words.

  4. Are you sure that shot of your front yard isn't one of Dr. M's shots of the moon?

    "Sunflower bones." Ha!

    Love your lunches. Gimme that Babybel.

    1. I occasional nip one of the Babybels ;-) I love her phrasing, too!

  5. it looks kind of cold! love the congregation of sparrows waiting.

    1. The sparrows are so spoiled! I talk to them as I'm filling the feeders.

  6. Loved your week. What? Only one of the animals was staring at divine Dr. M?

  7. i have to apologise for my absence in blogging and commenting recently - my head just hasn't been in the zone, but i keep looking at your pictures every week and you always make me smile somewhere along the way - ths week it was the puzzled expression on your face and that soup...

    1. Glad you are finding reason to wife is very amusing...

  8. Enjoyed the photos, all. Blue scalp, Ha.

  9. So cold...and snowy! But always beauty to be found!!

  10. I love that blue hat & scarf on you - great color!
    WHAT IS THAT LUNCH CONTRAPTION?!?! That thing is awesome!!!

    1. That's a Planet Box...a compartmentalized bento box. I got it for her for Christmas :-)

  11. Whoa....Tonka trucks! I was quite the heavy construction operator back in my yout. Glad to see they're still around. Blue hair? You goin' punk on us? ;) Y'all stay warm.


    1. Yeah, those are miniatures of the big ones. I shouldn't have left them out in the weather, but they are cute in the snow.

  12. construction crew :-)
    crows cavorting :-)
    host of sparrows,
    and a lone cardinal
    All make me smile.

  13. I will say it is always smile-producing to come here! Glad to see your bento box is still getting a workout. Question -- do you find yourself feeling compelled to put certain things in your lunch just in order to fill all the cool little compartments? I would and would totally eat too much as a result! LOL!

    1. Hee! She does that, yes. So far, though, she is focusing on light snacks like cherry tomatoes or sweet pepper strips :-)

  14. Make no mistake--the goats are plotting something sinister. All of them are.

    1. Ha! Having once owned a goat, I agree with you, Nance!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...