Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week One

Here we are in Week One and I’m starting off the year as I mean to go on – with a gazillion pictures. I tried to cut some of them out, but I didn’t do very well. Perhaps I need an editor!

Sunday, December 29th   
After going to the nursing home to help my dad lead singing for Sunday School, we drove back to Ohio. Before we left I finally remembered to take a picture of the doll that my cousin the potter and her mother the seamstress made for my wedding. I’ve never had anywhere to keep it in my home, but I think that the next time we go to NC I’m going to bring her home with me. The dress is made out of my mother’s wedding dress. Pretty good likeness!

We took our usual detour on the way home. Guess what we saw?

Monday, December 30th
The squirrels are still enjoying the new feeder.

Tuesday, December 31st           
Sunset in Xenia…

Wednesday, January 1st
New Year’s Squirrel!

I finished the set – hat, fingerless gloves & scarf. As I finished the hat I realized that I had misread the pattern when I made all those other scarves & gloves. Ha!

Thursday, January 2nd    
We got about 6 inches of snow. What a way to start the year!

Dr. M bundled up to take the trash out. Thanks sweetie!

Friday, January 3rd  
Dr. M taking art photos of the snow on our eaves…

The moon!

Saturday, January 4th   
I finished the scarf I started last week. Love my model!

We went out to run some errands & of course had to check out the ducks & geese at the local park. The camera setting for the first picture was wrong, but I think it’s really cool!

Lots of snow everywhere. The first picture here is one of the roads we went down. Thank goodness most of our roads are pretty clear!

And we’ll end the week as we started it – with sheep!

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. The sheep are cute, love the ice and intense blue sky, and the ducks that are emerging from the snow, and what roads? Just looks like snow everywhere to me.

    1. It's the wind, Ellen. That road has been cleared...maybe multiple times. But when it's cold like this, the powdery snow must gets blown right back over it. It was only snow-covered on the south-north stretches. That's life on the hem of the lone prairie...

  2. Great post, Bug. You should look Online to find a display dome for your doll. Such a treasure. Stay warm in the cold spell. Dr. M looks mahvelous, dahling. Just mahvelous.

    1. Thanks, Sweet Pea! We do need to get a dome for the doll.

  3. I don't like dolls very much (shouldn't come as a surprise) but the doll from your wedding really does look like you and is marvelous. I thought it was you the minute i saw it even before reading about it.

    1. It IS amazing! It looks like a cross between Bug and her cousin who made it, which is to say beautiful!

  4. How many people can say they have their very own action figure modeled after them? Hah! What a neat thing to have.

    Love all those snow pictures. I always say I don't mind the cold and that I miss the snow sometimes, but today I finally realized this is no longer true. We've had a cold spell here in Florida. It's 70Āŗ in the house and I'm sitting here in warm jeans and a fleece jacket, still shivering.

    1. Ha! Sweet PP...come to Ohio...we'll give you reason to shiver :-)

  5. That doll! That doll was handmade by your cousin? What a great job she did! Oh and you and Dr. M look great on your wedding day! Crazy how fast time flies though, eh? (Hmmm... I don't really mean that in a bad way...)

    Snow, oh how I sorta miss the snow. Your pictures did the trick though I think.

    Thought I'd let ya know that I jumped back into the 365. But I decided to post it on a separate blog. We'll see how that works out for me. So far so good though. Here's the link if you are interested:

    1. We'll definitely check out your 365! Yes, Scottie is an accomplished artist, jewelry maker, and professional potter, along with her husband. She made the doll, and her mom made the dress and hat. And yes, a little snow goes a long way :-)

  6. I love that scarf. That pattern would be gorgeous in any color, esp. just white or black. I've recently taken knitting back up--just basic knit stitch, nothing fancy. I find it so relaxing. Like you, I really like the dishcloths made this way, so I'm doing those (after I made my daughter a shawl) now. I double-strand a strip in the middle for scrubbing. It's actually making me feel productive! LOL.

    1. Excellent! Perhaps it will take one's mind off the bitter cold...ugh.

  7. I love all of this! Snow, scarves and dolls and everything... Rachel

  8. I love that speckledy lama! It looks like a shaggy long-necked dalmatian...well, kind of.

    1. I love it, too! It reminds me of an English Setter we had when I was growing up. We named him Spot, lol!

  9. As usual, great pictures. I really like that first picture of the geese, too.

    1. Thanks, Bruce! Sometimes art happens by accident :-)

  10. That doll is crazy real-like!!!!!That kinda freaks me out actually!
    Love the crochet set... fingerless gloves are amazing.

    1. Ha! You ought to be in the same room with the doll...

  11. OK so first of all I love all your pictures, as usual. Second, that doll is amazing and not creepy at all (I think most dolls are creepy). Third that cardnial reminded me of the ones I saw in Iowa, snow falling green tree and bright red splotch you can't miss. I totally love to knit and just finished my blanket.

    I really wanted to do a Project 365 this year...and I had pictures all ready but didn't know if anyone is sponsoring one this year. I'll have to look around.

    Happy New Year!!

    1. Thanks, Amy! Cardinals in snow/evergreens are at their most beautiful. I saw five out back yesterday evening, so look for more pics next week!

  12. Love the sunset picture that looks like the house is on fire. I loved the white out ducks shot too. These are amazing pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them with me....well...with us.

  13. These photos are just wonderful. It's so danged cold down here in Texas we deserve some snow to go with it, but I guess I'll just look at your photos and shiver. (When I say cold, I mean cold. Plants in the living room. Blocks of ice in the birds' water bowls. Light bulbs under freeze cloth for some plants too heavy to bring in. Etc.)

    Love the cardinals and squirrels, and that first photo of the ducks. I always have an impulse to scoop them up and bring them in the house so they can be warm, and then I remember - they're made to be out there without hats and scarves. But can you imagine those ducks with some toeless socks on their feet? ;)

  14. I'm glad you're taking the doll home this time! She really does favor you and what a sweet, personal, gift from family! You all certainly have a bunch of talent between your knitting and their doll-ing!

    Love the photos, as always! K

  15. the doll is great - glad to see both you and Dr M wrapping up against the cold!

  16. Very close resemblance, but you are prettier than the doll.


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