Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Three

What a busy week! There was tragedy and joy and manual labor – and snow, of course. Dr. M took some gorgeous pictures – you should check out his blog post. I only used a few of the ones he posted.

Sunday, January 12th   
I’m pretty sure that as long as we have corn we’ll have a picture of a squirrel on the feeder… (yes, this is the same caption I had last week – ha!)

The moon!

Monday, January 13th
Today I learned that one of our oldest church members had been killed in a car accident, and her husband seriously injured. Seems appropriate that the only picture we took this day was of my pitiful office plant that Dr. M re-potted for me. Life does go on…

Tuesday, January 14th            
My lunchbox magnets live on the fridge when they’re not going with me to work.

Wednesday’s lunch – I put the magnets on the box after I finished packing it :)

Wednesday, January 15th
The doe that Dr. M & I christened Snowbutt – ha!

The moon!

Thursday, January 16th    
Buffy the buffalo, who although it’s hard for us to comprehend, was probably thrilled with the snow.

One of my favorite scenes…

Friday, January 17th  
The Mad River, looking rather chilly & lovely.

I was waiting to pull onto the street from Rite Aid & saw these very fat robins eating berries in the tree. There were probably around five of them!

Saturday, January 18th   
I’m not sure, but I think this cardinal was posing for his mug shots. The pictures are less than clear because it was, of course, snowing, while Dr. M was taking them.

Finished a hat for a friend. And since I have no shame I’m modeling it with no makeup and unbrushed hair. Ha!

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I'm glad Buffy the Buffalo is pleased with the snow. I wouldn't want to be around when this beast is grumpy.

    1. I've never seen her look anything but calm and peaceful - she must like it here :)

  2. Aw, no worries, you still look great even with no make up!

    That barn pic would look great in panoramic!

    1. It would! I wonder if Dr. M has that feature on his camera?

  3. lovely shot of the deer and the snow shots are great - that hat looks warm

  4. I want your lunches.

    We had a light snow here the other night. I wanted to take some shots, but by the time I roused myself and got out there, it had all melted. So are our pitiful snowstorms.

    Are those birds in a serviceberry tree? So pretty.

    My condolences on the loss of your friend. All the best, Bug.

    1. It COULD be a serviceberry tree, but I can't remember what it looks like in spring or summer (or fall for that matter!) so I'm not sure :)

  5. Just looking at your snow pictures gave me a shiver and a desire to slip back under the covers. Brrr...

    So sorry about the congregation's oldsters. It is difficult enough when they pass, but when it's connected with something so jarring, it's worse.


    1. I want to crawl back under the covers too! And we're getting more snow today...

  6. Beautiful as always, and your favorite shot is also mine. Very sorry to hear about the tragedy. Take heart!

  7. that's a beautiful picture of the river but all those pictures of snow are making me cold.

    1. They made me cold too - we had to turn the heat up while I was working on this post :)

  8. I wish I looked that good with no makeup. Truly.

  9. The snowy road leading up to the barn looks almost much so that I'd be afraid of missing the curve and ending up inside the barn.

    I find myself becoming obsessed with your lunches - not only does it all look so neat and interesting in your lunch box, but it also gives me ideas for my lunch. So you are not allowed to stop taking pictures of your lunches - ha!

    1. Darn it - I meant to take a picture of my lunch today, but I've already eaten the apples :)

  10. Once again I love your photos. All your cardinal shots crack me up. The snow is just so beautiful. I want to knit a sweater...we will see how that goes.

    1. I'm afraid to do clothing. There's measuring & the sewing pieces together - seems too complicated for me!

  11. Loved the pictures for the week. I miss Project 365. I wish I had more time to give to it. Sigh....I will just enjoy it through yours. The barn pic and Buffy were my favorites this week.

  12. So pretty! I could live without snow, but it does make for some beautiful scenes. We got some last night but thankfully school was not cancelled. I keep telling the kids we'll have more being together in June than we will in January.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...