Saturday, February 1, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Five

It was another cold & snowy week. We actually canceled church on Sunday because conditions were so bad that morning.

Sunday, January 26th   
Scenes from out back.

Dr. M dug out my ancient bear, Puff. I got her at Carowinds amusement park (in Charlotte NC) right after it opened. That makes her about 40 years old.

Monday, January 27th
Puffed up bird trying to stay warm.

Tuesday, January 28th            
I finally decided what I wanted with my Christmas money. It’s a breakfast sandwich maker. Go here to check it out. I love it!

I do believe this was the rudest morning yet. Brrr!

Dr. M found a big herd of deer on his way home from school.

I finished a scarf for my cousin. Love these colors.

Wednesday, January 29th
Snow rollers! What a bizarre phenomenon! Go check out Dr. M’s post if you haven’t already – he’ll tell you all about them.

Thursday, January 30th    
Canadian content, eh.

I think that river looks cold. Do you think that river looks cold? Because it looks cold to me.

Dove :)

Friday, January 31st   
If you look at this picture in the right frame of mind it looks just like a sand dune. Right?

More frigid water.

Papa cardinal brightening up the view.

Saturday, February 1st    
I found this little guy at my dad’s house over Christmas. He’s sitting on a penny. So cute!

My latest scarf project. I need a big button for it & then it’s done.

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. What does the sandwich maker do?
    I love that shot of the male cardinal. Such a bright spot in the trees!

    1. I put a link to the manufacturer up there in the post, but it's sort of the same concept as a Foreman Grill, with a nifty feature so you can cook your egg & assemble the sandwich all in one.

  2. It always happens. I try to remember which pictures I want to comment on, but by the time I get to the end, I can never remember and have to go through a second time, which is not bad because I love your shots. I love the scarf for your cousin. Those colors are electric. Don't think I've ever heard of a breakfast sandwich maker, interesting. And those water pictures? Yes, very, very cold! Brrr

    1. Thanks! When I was making the scarf I thought it might be too bright, but in the end I liked it.

  3. Great winter shots. I had to button up my sweater when I finished looking at them. Burrrr.....

    1. Me too! I think next week I'm going to post beach pictures :)

  4. That breakfast sandwich looks yummy! And I still can't get over those snow's like aliens dropped off giant marshmallows all over Ohio.

    Regarding your Friday picture: yes, looks just like the beach on Anna Maria Island. ;-)

    1. I think I got a sugar rush just thinking about a marshmallow that big! Imagine if they had also dropped off giant graham crackers and chocolate bars...s'mores! Thanks, PP...I could use a day on the beach.

  5. Yep, that river looks cold to me too!

    Breakfast sandwich maker, huh? You've definitely been spoiled! :0)

    1. She is a bit spoiled ;-) Oh, and the trick of the snow rollers is that they only form while the temps are near freezing. Once it gets colder, then the snow is too powdery and you just get drifts. Normally we just get drifts in Urbana. This was a very rare event!

  6. Super wild life photos. The sandwich does look good.

    1. Thanks, Steve! The sandwiches are good! I'm impressed.

  7. I love the cardinal picture. My eyes are craving color! The scarves are gorgeous!

    1. I LOVE our cardinals! We need all the color we can get in the bleak mid-winter, no?

  8. I'm still amazed by the snow rollers. Hope things are a bit warmer there now. :)


    1. We had a milder day yesterday...near 50! Today...light freezing drizzle and snow flurries. And we get a winter storm on Tuesday. And then back into the freezer for another week, with more chances of snow from Canadian clippers. What is this "warm" of which you speak? ;-)

  9. Yes, that river looks COLD to me! :) Love the scarf with the colors but I'm a sucker for browns, too. Love the sand dunes, too. You're right...its a state of mind...thanks for the summer thoughts today. :)

    1. That sand would burn your feet...frost burn :-) Thanks, Lisa...I'm imagining warm sand and laughing gulls today, even as the groundhog delivers the bad news.

  10. OK, those snow rollers are FASCINATING. I left a comment on Dr. M's blog to tell him so. I've never heard of them.

    Cardinals always look so amazing in winter. That dove, on the other hand, does not look happy.

    1. Thanks, Steve! They are very rare, in that the ground must be icy and the air temps must be around freezing and the wind must be strong. Those things rarely go together in a snowstorm in the Midwest.

    2. I should say it tends to be either/or: heavy, wet snow with light winds, or cold, icy snow with heavy winds.

  11. gorgeous gorgeous pictures. yes that river looks cold. and snow rollers! how weird and cool. and I love the colorful scarf.

  12. Your scarf looks so soft as well as beautiful! You have a lucky cousin! I like the other scarf, too. You definitely have a talent!

    So if the snow rollers form near a church, does that make them holy rollers?

    1. LOL! Yes it does...and yes, she has quite a talent. Her scarves are a big hit among the cousins, etc., who have received them!

  13. I am so cold right now just looking at your pictures. I need to go check out the snow roller post...looks crazy. I love the colors of both of the scarves. Love the dove too.

    1. We dearly love our doves. We have more in the summer, but there are always a few who winter here. Why? I don't is cold! We are having an old-fashioned Ohio winter, with no sign of relief, so grab a blanket before viewing next week's pics ;-)

  14. Your many varied nature pics are fantabulous+++ as usual. Don't know how y'all get those shots. The snow roller phenomena is amazing.
    I was watching a black squirrel out my bedroom window yesterday. Maybe he was watching me 'cause twice he jumped at the window!
    The bear reminded me of my young mentee (24) who cherishes her bear from first of several homes.
    The scarves are beautimous! The colors of the first, the laciness, the softness--oh, so gorgeous! Did you find a button for the second? I probably could find one in my stash.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...