Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday


  1. They are beautiful. My daughter get tulips for valentines day as well.

    1. It's kind of a tradition with us - they never fail to make me smile. We're going to try to actually plant the bulbs so maybe we'll have tulips again later!

  2. I give Dr M an A+ for originality. Very nice. ;)

  3. Those look like parrot tulips....if I am remembering right. I used to love looking at flower books and tree books when I was younger. I used to know the names of so many. I wonder if you can plant those in the fall. Very pretty!

  4. Love those forced bulbs in winter and your tulips are especially lovely.

  5. Love the flowers, love the photos. Red is tough to photograph! And the focus is tack sharp.


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