Saturday, February 15, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Seven

Remember how I was hoping that this week would be much better? Well, it was better, but it is still pretty much winter around here. Yes, I know it’s February. Your point?

Sunday, February 9th     
I finally found a button for that scarf I made the other week.

Monday, February 10th
Pinky agrees that it should be spring now.

Tuesday, February 11th            
I got behind this very smug Prius. It’s a terrible picture, so if you can’t read it, the license plate says, “52 MPG CT.”

The moon!

Wednesday, February 12th
At least I waited until Wednesday to show you some S&*w. Heh.

Thursday, February 13th    
Mallards in flight – what a cool picture! (You know Dr. M took it, right?)

The moon! It’s been cloudy here this week so getting a moon shot has been tricky.

Friday, February 14th   
Happy Valentine’s Day! As a gift to me, Dr. M got this great picture of one of my favorite landscapes.

The campus herd.

We saw about six male cardinals out back – they’re so funny how they try to be all macho.

Saturday, February 15th    
Yesterday we got more than three more inches of that white stuff. This is Mount Patio (all the snow that we’ve removed from the patio). Dr. M had a different name for it, but this is a family blog!


My Valentine tulips – aren’t they lovely?

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Pinky?

    I gave Dr. M a shout-out today but I actually swiped the moon picture from YOUR blog.

    I like the deer pictures.

    1. Pinky, our pet geranium. We've had her for many years! She summers out back and winters in the library (a euphemism of the little room crammed full of books, an electric piano, etc., etc.) at a south-facing window. They must have lots of sun to survive, and this year, amazingly enough, she is thriving in the winter and blooming in February! We'll post pics next week of her sweet pink blossoms. And the deer were SO sweet on Friday! I hated to leave them. Thanks for the shout-out!

  2. Love all the pictures, but there is something to be said for barns and farm buildings in a wintry landscape! You should print and frame this picture (don't be like me who never prints anything)!

    LOL at Mount Patio! During our last winter in Buffalo, we had two Mount Driveways. When they got taller than what we could raise our arms up to, we decided to move.

    1. Ha! That thought has crossed my mind this winter (moving). I SERIOUSLY want to print and frame some 8x10s of some of the pics I've taken of late. The Bug made her a calendar with a dozen of our pics, and it looks really fab. Thank you! *bows*

  3. Love the photos, not the snow. Amazing how mild our winter has been. The poor UK is going to float away.

    1. Our friend Heather has lamented the endless rains in the UK :-(

  4. It IS February, but it IS a lot of snow. Spring is coming and those tulips prove it.

    Are you ever tempted to move to NC?? :)

    1. Often tempted, but careers here versus the unknown job market there make it tough to do.

  5. Such great photos it's hard to pick a favorite. Maybe the ducks, or the moon, or...or... I once saw a Hummer with a bumper sticker that said "Prius Crusher". :)


    1. Bwahahaha! Love it, S. Thanks! It was a good week for photography.

  6. Lovely. I especially love the ducks in flight and on the water.

    1. Thanks! I saw them on the creek and circled back to take some pics. I was very fortunate to catch some taking off, looking down on them from a low bridge...a rather unique perspective!

  7. It's always so hard to pick a favorite around here. The squirrels usually come first, just by default. Today, I'd have to say it's that farmstead. It's easy for us to romanticize snow down here, but I come from the land of the Boys State Basketball Tournament Blizzard, and love for some things dies hard.

    I nearly missed the other bird with the cardinals. Is that a female? She looks a little gray for a female cardinal, but it makes sense that a girl-cardinal would be hanging out with the guys.

    1. I think it's a sparrow, male, hanging with the redbirds. We do have a number of female cardinals, as well. Thanks! Snow is beautiful to look at, most always, but can be ugly to live with.

  8. I take it Dr M is a little tired of the white stuff? :) It does make for pretty pictures though.
    Love the tulips -- a harbinger of spring! Some color in the midst of all the white! Yeah for Valentine's Day in February! haha

    1. Ha! Yes, the snow and esp. the unrelenting cold is wearing me down. Thanks, and YES! Hooray for a bright, sweet day in mid-winter :-)

  9. You get the most amazing moon pictures!
    that button makes your scarf even more perfect.

    1. Thanks, Sweet Pea! I spend a lot of time stalking the moon. Thank goodness for digital cameras...I would go broke shooting film, trying to get some good pics. The moon is a challenge, for sure. And she is making some beautiful scarves these days!

  10. Love the ducks, the deer, the cardinals, squirrels ALL the creatures!
    You guys could easily make photobooks to sell!
    And, you found the perfect button.

    1. She has a good eye, Rita! Two of them, in fact ;-) And thanks! We love taking pics...I especially love taking nature pics, so most of the creatures you see are my shots. I've worked to get better in the years since we bought our Nikon D5000. I really like the quality of my shots these days, and we love to share them! Glad you love them...that is the best payment of all.

  11. Love the photos. The male cardinals in our area stand out right now too -- against the white stuff. (ptui). I was in NYC this weekend and saw few birds. Much better to be home with the wildlife...somehow, the horizontal white stuff blowing in my face up there seemed much more insulting than down here. Good to be home in the south(?)

    1. I love this comment. Yes, I'll take our wild, rural, if cold Ohio over the city any day. And y'all have had quite the roller coaster winter!

  12. Very nice picture for Wednesday. Well, they are all nice but I especially like that one.

  13. I am always impressed with the clarity of your moon shots.

    Beautiful tulips! And it's funny how your cardinal photos often show the males. Where are the females?? Are they smart enough to stay inside?


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...