Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday Miscellany

 ·         First of all, I’d like to apologize to all the Broncos fans out there. I really like Peyton Manning & I put it out into the universe that I was pulling for them. You can blame me for their loss last night. Sigh.

·         You might recall that I’ve been Junior Warden of my church this past year. Well, yesterday I was voted in as Senior Warden. Whereas the Junior Warden is in charge of the church buildings & grounds, the Senior Warden has the duty of making sure that the church functions – financially & legally, and that services are held regularly. The Senior Warden also fills in when the priest is absent. All of that sounds more down my alley than church maintenance does!

·         I continue to be really really busy at work. I’m being given more and more new duties, learning new systems, and I’ll be doing some traveling as well. I’m kind of excited/terrified.

·         They’re calling for a winter event of some kind on Tuesday night. Will this finally be the time that I get to stay home because of weather? There have been schools closing all around me & yet I still slog my way 35 miles south every day. I feel like a mail carrier! [Please note: even as I was typing this, Dr. M reported that they just “took away our big storm.” Sigh.]

·         I’m thinking about working a jigsaw puzzle in my office during my lunch breaks. The danger with that is that I get lost in jigsaw puzzles & might not come up for air for a couple of hours. Hmm – perhaps if I set the alarm on my cell phone. That MIGHT work. Although I’m pretty good at hitting snooze on the thing in the mornings.

And there you have it folks - the exciting life of the Bug. Have a great day!


  1. No worries, Sweet Pea...they turned the storm back on: 5-10 inches of snow for our home county, beginning late Tuesday afternoon.

  2. I love jugsaw puzzles. I could put one up in my classroom for kids to do at lunch or free periods. Just might have to do that!!

    1. Just do it, Amy! Some of them will love it, for sure.

  3. It seems that many people are recognizing your talents. I hope you're well compensated for all you do.

    1. She seems to be well compensated...she makes more than me each year! Not that I'm bitter about the state of higher education in America or anything...

  4. It sounds like a lot of responsibility comes with being Senior Warden. Can you tell I'm a slacker. My jobs must be simple and repetitive, like putting the silverware back in the proper holes. The shapes help. Congratulations. I know you'll do a good job. We love puzzles, but they can be enthralling. Sorry you lost your stay-at-home storm. I hate when that happens.

    1. They found our storm...6-10 inches of snow is now the forecast for Tuesday night...Wednesday will be sleep in and snuggle day ;-)

  5. Learning and doing new and different things is what keeps your mind active and sharp. You'll get over the "terrified" part soon enough.

    Be safe in the on-again, off-again winter storm!

    1. It's a proper "warning" now...6-10 inches. We'll try to stay safe and warm!

  6. I certainly HOPE you get a snow day! I wonder how much snow you'd have to receive before you didn't have to report to work?! Because it seems to me you've already had that much and more!

    I have an hour off for lunch, and it's always TOO MUCH TIME. I would much rather have a half hour and then just go back to my desk and keep working. (And then leave a half-hour earlier!)

    1. Unfortunately Ohio is well-equipped to handle snow. Basically the only way I'd get to stay home is if they declared a snow emergency & made people stay off the roads. We shall see!

      My lunch actually is a half hour - but I get to work so early & work through lunch so often that I end up having to take long lunches on the other days so I don't get overtime. I do leave work early sometimes too - but with the new job I don't really like to.

  7. So YOU are the one that caused Denver to crash and burn. Whew...I thought it was me.

    Does eveyone now have to call you "Madam Warden"? Do you get to award time off for good behavior? (Not that I would ever qualify.) ;)


  8. Congrats on your new responsibilities (and on making more than the prof, though don't tell him I said so!)

  9. Congrats and blessings, Senior Warden! Sounds like a great opportunity to use your gifts.
    Travel involved in job responsibilities? Where to, how far, how often?
    Love puzzles. We worked on a couple puzzles with the college kids group. Great fun and lends itself to conversation.

  10. Come on up here. We've got plenty. As if we needed more snow.

  11. Way to go! Can't imagine a jigsaw puzzle at work. Do you have a place to keep it out? Seems other people would want to work on it too.


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