Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - the Girl Can Dream Edition


  1. We could sure use some of that here. I could take a photo of my feet today, but don't want frost bite (grin)

  2. I love the shots and wish those were my feet in green grassy stuff....and beach water....instead of ice and snow. I am so over winter.

  3. It's the time of year when the indoor heat is taking it's toll on our dry cracking skin. Skin that longs to be free to wiggle in a patch of green grass. And if I know you Dana, while your toes are wiggling around in the green grass during May and June, your fingers will be busy crocheting something warm for the following winter. You are always planning and preparing for the future. It's a good thing.

  4. Dream away. It's here and will be there shortly.

  5. Are you taking a photo of your feet in the snow? You know, so that you can post it with the same title in August, when everyone is complaining of the heat and humidity?

  6. I can feel how your feet must feel...weird I know.

  7. First picture: you're crushing four leaf clovers!!!

  8. It's snowing suds? This climate change thing is getting out of hand! :)

  9. Feet in the clover (or ocean) and head in the clouds. It will happen.

  10. The time is drawing nigh! I had to find a tee shirt and capris today - get out of the cords and sweatshirt. All week looks good. I pruned the Cape Honeysuckle and repotted a couple of things. I've given Spring its marching orders and am sending it your direction!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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