Sunday, March 2, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Nine

This was another week with extra selfies in it – what’s up with that? It also, cruelly, offered a small taste of spring. You can see below that we actually saw grass in our yard this week – and I rode Daisy around the neighborhood on Saturday. But today (Sunday) it’s snowing while I’m writing this. Sigh.
Sunday, February 23rd      
The weekly squirrel.

I was working on a hat for a friend, but something went horribly awry. Giant mushroom anyone?

Monday, February 24th
Well, we’ve removed Christmas from the outside of the house, but inside…

Tuesday, February 25th            
The tulips were fading – but kind of cool looking.

Wednesday, February 26th
I headed out of town today – to Reston, Virginia, for a work meeting. I emailed this picture to Dr. M so he wouldn’t forget what I looked like. Ha!

He saw another flock of wild turkeys on his way home from school.

I LOVE this chickadee – what attitude! I think this picture needs a caption. Any ideas?

Thursday, February 27th    
I got to meet up with Southlakesmom today! She did me the huge favor of taking me to breakfast & then dropping me off at the office for my meeting. It was great to get to see each other – wish we’d had more time to talk.

I was supposed to go to Capitol Hill to spend some time with Reya, but the cost of getting from Reston to the Vienna metro station was prohibitive, darn it. I didn’t plan very well. Since I missed out on the visit I decided to take a Reya-style reflection picture out of my hotel room.

Back home, Dr. M captured a typical scene from our back yard.

Friday, February 28th
I flew back this morning. Since I didn’t take any pictures on the plane on Wednesday I decided to grab some today.

This is (I think) the Shenandoah River. It was so cool! I edited the picture so you can see it’s serpentine-ality.

Back home, Dr. M captured actual GRASS in our back yard. Too bad it didn’t stay that way.

Saturday, March 1st      
Dr. M & I went out to do some shopping and passed by a pond with this motley collection of ducks. The small black & white ones are buffleheads – so cute!

I fixed the giant mushroom from earlier this week – it’s still a lot of hat, but I think it will be fine for my friend.

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. That is, indeed, the South Fork of the Shenandoah, looking southwest from the Front Royal/Strasburg area, with Massanutten Mountain on the right and the Blue Ridge on the left.

  2. I love the way the squirrel's back feet clutch his shelf.

    And that picture of the Shenandoah River is fantastic.

    And I really like your completed hat. Looks good on you.

    1. Thanks, Bruce! I love the squirrels, funny and sweet! And yes and yes.

  3. Buffleheads? Is that a real word? I LOVE IT. I'm going to start calling someone or something that, just so I can say it. It's fun to say.

    1. Bufflehead is such a great word! Yes, a Bufflehead, bucephala albeola, is a small American sea duck of the Goldeneye genus.

  4. I think "Joy" should be in your house all year. Who says it should disappear after Christmas? The chickadee looks like he (she?) is saying: "Who moved my cheese?" And the bufflehead ducks are absolutely adorable. I wonder if we have them here...I'll have to look. And then, of course, show off with my knowledge that they are called "buffleheads." Heh.

    And isn't it fun to meet up with blogging friends?

    1. Here's to "Joy" year round! Check and see if buffleheads drift that far south. They are SO cute! And LOL at your chickadee caption!

  5. That first one is a wonderful portrait of you.

  6. I agree, the river photo is amazing! And that looks like one happy squirrel. Good for him! Y'all have a great week. :)


    1. Thanks! We keep the squirrels fat and happy up here. Who knows, they may come in handy some day...

  7. My wife's dog, Sparky, chased a squirrel up a tree Sunday afternoon which then jumped from a limb to the roof of the house and ran away. For close to twenty minutes Sparky stayed propped up against the trunk looking for that squirrel. I kept telling him the squirrel was gone but the dog would just give me one of those funny looks like he did not believe me.

  8. Not just grass, GREEN grass. We dogged the storm that was supposed to come today, but that doesn't mean we don't have piles of snow and ice everywhere. Spring does arrive EVERY year, right?!?

  9. great selfies! I love the little chair for the squirrel to sit on as he dines.

  10. Love the mushroom hat fix!
    And the aerial view of the river!
    And the happy reunion!
    And the reflection-style pic!
    And the buffleheads!
    And the sweet chickadee and pink feeder!
    And. . .

  11. It was great to see you. Glad you got to rise Daisy for a day at least! I rode yesterday before the rain started...and just finished shoveling about 8 inches of snow from my driveway a little while ago. Sigh.

    Caption: What? I ordered extra groats!

    1. Ha! Thank you so much for helping out dear Bug! Sorry about the snow...I was hoping it would fall here and give me the day off. Instead, a twelve hour Monday, not counting commute time. Sigh. Take care, Sweet Pea.


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