Sunday, March 30, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

I’m just not even going to mention that it snowed yesterday. Well, yes I am because Dr. M took a picture – ha!

Sunday, March 23rd       
Some of my snacks for Monday’s lunch.

Monday, March 24th
Pinky the pet geranium is so ready to go outside…

Tuesday, March 25th            
Ohio in March.

Wednesday, March 26th
I worked from home today & had some issues with the headset – the side without the earpiece kept getting caught in my hair. How do people wear these every day?

 Thursday, March 27th    
Dr. M has had the best time playing with his siege towers! He also had to have the Mike the Knight bath toy.

Friday, March 28th
I finished the puzzle this week. I probably won’t do one again anytime soon. I couldn’t just work it during my lunch hour – I started taking “smoke breaks” (I don’t smoke) & setting a timer for 10 minutes in the mornings & afternoons & then ignoring the timer… It was like some sort of addiction. I’m glad it’s finished!

Saturday, March 29th  
Dr. M decided to make a torsion catapult to show the difference between it and his trebuchet. This is not even close to the last iteration of it (well, it looks the same, minus the spoon – he mostly changed the type of rope he used). Maybe next week we’ll have a video of how this works.

And yes, it snowed. Sigh.

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. Now you've made me want a Mike the Knight bath toy. Thanks a lot!

  2. Chia shots? What the heck is that? A mouthful of chia seeds? Actually I put them on my oatmeal every morning. Pinky looks very shy. I think the people who wear headsets have their hair pulled back in a severe bun. Or have very short hair. Can't resist jigsaw puzzles. I was very surprised when you said you had it at work. How's she gonna get any work done, I thought.

  3. Yeah, we're actually supposed to have near-freezing temperatures this week too, which I know is not the same as actually snowing, but in our area it may as well be. :)

    So how long did it take you to finish that puzzle? It looks so hard!

    I've updated my 365 for your viewing pleasure. Bethany's performance is on there (well a grainy picture of it anyway). She did alright. She practiced hard but had made her decision to participate late, so really did not have as much time to practice as she should have. She squeaked a little bit at the end because she was so tired. I'll have to upload it to youtube later and post it on my dare blog.

  4. Yeah, it snowed in DC yesterday. AGAIN. Imagine our delight.

  5. Smoke breaks...funny. I'm the same way with a good book. Dangerous. And irresponsible. But so good. :)

    Please send the S_ _ _ up north, NOT East!

  6. What are chia shots? Where do you get them. Your snacks looked pretty awesome. Loved the catapult....and the flowers.

  7. Great lunch!
    Lovely Pinky pics!
    Hilarious Bug-face ;-)

  8. I love the shot of Pinky's blooms peeking through the green leaves... Totally get about the addictiveness of puzzles.

    I too, am wondering about the "chia shots." They do look like chia seeds, but what do you do with them? I eat them in my oatmeal and stir them into my yogurt. Do you sprinkle them on the blueberries? Or the peppers? Or stir them into whatever you are hiding in the closed round container? Why am I so fascinated with your lunches? Did I ask enough questions already?


  9. I love your lunches. Poor, poor Pinky. She will be fabulous again soon. Good on you for finishing you puzzle. I like it. We enjoy doing puzzles, too. I keep thinking it's time to start another one.

  10. Are you on my food plan? That looks like things I need to eat. Chia shots must really be the in-thing now. I have had several people tell me to eat Chia. That puzzle looks awesome!

  11. I'm late here, but I wanted to say that I loved your week, the puzzle, and particularly the wooden spoon using for chucking things through the air.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...