Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Couple of Words Wednedsay



  1. Ah - this explains your "purse transformation." It certainly would reduce the weight of your purse by a pound or two!

  2. Nah... I still prefer a camera to the photos from a phone, even an iphone.

    But yeah, all the papers and stuff, I agree with you there. :0)

  3. I've rediscovered the love of pen and pencil. Keyboards are fine, but there's something about the handwritten word...and the the flourishes thereafter.

  4. Some futurists believe the next step is to have our computer and cell phone implanted in our brains.

  5. No smart phone for me. I have a hard time hearing on them. I'll keep my little flip phone. And my camera. If I ever get it back that is.


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