Thursday, March 13, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

They didn't meet until years later, but looking back it's pretty obvious. It was destiny - amiright?


  1. Yes, destiny. I'd recognize both of you instantly from these cute vintage photos.

  2. That is just so cool.. love it. yes.

  3. Very cute...and you both still look like "you."

    So...will we hear the story of when and how you met? I know you met in the library...I'm nosy. I want details.

    1. I can't remember if she posted anything about that before! We did meet in the school library at a theological seminary. I was a student there and a library assistant. The Bug's cousin came to school and also became a library assistant, and we became good friends. So when The Bug came home from Africa, K. brought her to seminary to show her around, and she brought her to the library to meet her friends who worked there. There is much more to the story...maybe we'll have dueling blog posts to tell our versions of it ;-)

  4. Awww!

    I love the yarn lamb in the previous post, too. :)

  5. Yes, and I can definitely see it was in the stars. And I like your meeting story, too. :)


  6. a match made in heaven...or seminary school anyway.


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