Thursday, April 3, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

These two...

Tried a piece of dry dog food just to see what it tasted like (salty...and dry!)

Sometimes slept together to keep the dark at bay (it was worth the occasional elbow to the ribs)

Kissed each other on the lips to discover what all the fuss was about (it tickled & made us laugh like maniacs)

Had a massive fight over a certain fringed coat (she cussed at him & got in big trouble)

Have seen each other through thick and thin (literally!)

Love you brother!


  1. Cute picture. I see the family resemblance.

  2. How cute you both look! I should dig for some throwback photos...I know they are here somewhere.

  3. was not close to my two siblings growing up but now I'd say my sister is my best friend. didn't like my brother at first sight (as nearly as I can tell) because he was a spoiled brat and still barely tolerate him since he has a tendency to 'mansplain' things to me.

  4. Cute. My TBT pics are chiseled on the walls inside a cave somewhere. :)


  5. Aww...those are great memories!

  6. I love the photo, with its well-worn creases. Someone must have kept it in a wallet, I'm guessing?


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