Sunday, April 13, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Fifteen

Well, this week ended on a much better note than how it began. Daddy & Amy learned that her lymph nodes are clear of cancer. She’ll still get some preventive chemo, but that was quite welcome news. And some things that seemed scary earlier in the week aren’t quite so scary now. 

Sunday, April 6th       
The only picture we got today was The Daily Bike. As I mentioned on Facebook, I was looking so grim because I was trying to not drop my phone. Ha!

Monday, April 7th
I’d say this deer is very well camouflaged!

The Daily Bike – yes, it was raining. In fact it was also thundering!

Tuesday, April 8th            
I finished this silly sheep ages ago but kept forgetting to take a picture. I finished it the weekend before I got the plague & we decided it would be better to wait to give it to the little girl for whom I made it. I’ll see her at Easter & give it to her then.

My primrose is always an unexpected treat every year.

The Daily Bike.

Wednesday, April 9th
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, & my church gave out stickers for us wear on Wednesday for “wear blue day.”

Dr. M saw a plane in the sky!

The Daily Bike – after choir practice. It was almost too dark!

Thursday, April 10th      
The Daily Bike.

Squirrel antics.

Dr. M doing what he does :)

Friday, April 11th
Dr. M was stalking critters on campus. These are a red-bellied woodpecker and a yellow-bellied sap sucker. He said that they did NOT get along.

Squirrel contortionist.

One of my favorite yards in the town where Dr. M teaches.

The Daily Bike.

Saturday, April 12th  
My lavender seedlings are about ready to transplant.

The Daily Bike. I gave into peer pressure and got a helmet. Also pictured are the ones I didn’t pick. Heh.

The Moon!

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. You chronical your life better than anyone I know.

  2. Slow down on that bike riding already! You're making me tired. I still say that red spiky helmet had "Dana" written all over it. ;)


  3. I think your helmet needs some customization. Let me know if you want any ideas. LOL.

  4. Regarding your first picture - you do not "look grim," you look focused! As a matter of fact, so does Dr. M in Thursday's picture.

    Love those daily bike pics. About your helmet...could we all travel to Ohio and sign it (you know, like people sign a cast)?

  5. I am always amazed by the pictures of the moon Dr. M takes.

  6. Bravo to YOU for your daily bike rides! We have just pulled ours out and they are in need of air in the tires and a good cleaning!
    Love all the shots...the squirrel is hilarious!

  7. Glad to hear the nodes were negative. And glad to see you finally got a helmet.

  8. I blew that picture of Dr. M way up to see what he was drinking but finally realized the name was protected by a cozy. I'll bet it was that Arrogant Bastard stuff he's partial to.

    And I, too, think you should have got the helmet with the red Mohawk! Classy. (of a sort)

    1. Ha! I was going "lite" Bruce: Mike's Harder Lemonade :-)

  9. First, Your Dad and Amy's news... how wonderful for you and your family. A cancer diagnosis is so scary and the earlier it's found, the better.

    You're looking good sporting that helmet.
    I love the photo of your favorite yard. It looks so welcoming.
    Your primrose is beautiful.

  10. Glad you got a helmet!
    That saved Mike's life ten years ago.
    Now I understand why Dr. M gets such amazing photos!
    The primrose is amazing!
    I love your daily bike pics. Don't know how you can manage those seflies!

  11. I love that Mohawk helmet, and the squirrel contortionist, and the yard full of daffodils and bluebells. (I think they're bluebells?) Oh, and the primrose. Glad you're enjoying your bike!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...