Sunday, April 6, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Fourteen

This has been a rough week in some ways, and a good week in others. My stepmother had surgery on Tuesday to have two cancerous ovaries removed; however, she did very well & her prognosis is good. A friend lost a job, and another friend was robbed at gunpoint at the restaurant she manages (she’s ok). And another friend’s girlfriend broke up with him. On the other hand, Dr. M and I are doing well.

Sunday, March 30th       
My cousin sent this little lavender kit for my birthday. I decided it was time to plant the seeds.

Monday, March 31st
Dr. M found a tribe of Jellicle Cats! You can barely see two more behind this one (I think it’s Shimbleshanks) & apparently there were others.

Tuesday, April 1st            
Selfie in the car. I got a car holder for my phone & decided to see how easy a selfie would be with it in the cradle.

I signed up for So far that just means that I’m riding my bike once around the neighborhood. As the weather & my fitness level improve I’ll go further. I’m posting all the pictures I take (for proof – ha!) to facebook every day – and of course I’m including them here too. You guys are so lucky!

Wednesday, April 2nd
Scenes from Dr. M’s world.

Are you surprised that his world contains sheep?

My daily bike picture (it was raining).

Thursday, April 3rd     
Dr. M stalked this train.

The Daily Bike.

Friday, April 4th
These squirrels Crack. Me. Up!!

Signs of spring…

My lunch – veggie burger on an everything bagel thin with pepper strips. Yum!

The sky was ominous out my window at work.

The Daily Bike (it was cold!).

Saturday, April 5th  
Backyard birds.


The Daily Bike.

The Moon!

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. So impressed with your daily biking -- in the rain! Woo-hoo!

  2. The upside down squirrels... :)

    That lavender sprouted up quick, didn't it?

    How do we know your actually going biking though? I mean, you could just be taking pictures of yourself and saying you're biking. ;0)

    1. I had that same thought! You'll see some pictures next week that I took WHILE I was biking :)

  3. As always, love your squirrels.

  4. Congratulations on sticking with the biking. Well done.

  5. Yay for growing, living things, even if it is inside! And yay for YOU for getting active admirable goal! Love the train pictures. Makes me wish I had a bride there to photograph. :)

    1. The trains are in a nice setting - they often catch Dr. M's eye.

  6. Love the week. But dear should not bike with pants over your shoe. 1) You will get grease on them, and/or 2) the leg will get caught in the chain.

    1. I think maybe my bike has some sort of guard to keep that from happening? In any case I won't do that very often - it was hard to lift my leg over the bike because those jeans are a little tight :)

  7. Sorry you had such a tough week! Hopefully, your stepmother will continue with a full recovery.

    I love all your bike shots, and also how quickly your lavender is growing. And the "swinging squirrels" are hilarious. And your lunch is exactly what I might have, too. We're very fond of everything bagels and garden burgers.

    1. Thanks! I really enjoyed those sandwiches - I added a little olive oil mayo - yum!

  8. Where is your helmet? That sticker says...!

    1. I know I know - I got the same shock & concern on facebook :) I shall make getting a helmet a priority this weekend.

  9. I love the squirrel pics but that one of you biking in the rain could get you a job in . . . wait for it . . .

  10. I like the photo of the sweater on the hoof. And of course the squirrels. :)


  11. I haven't ridden my bike in a while. I should get the tires pumped up and go for a ride.

  12. Sorry about the hurting friends and family.
    Sprouts in less than a week? Miracle grow!
    You are the expert 'selfie' taker!
    "Jellicle", pretty name, I hadn't heard.
    "Cracks me up" always reminds me of the Russian teacher who used humor in class and heard her students use the expression. One day she said to them, "You make me crack!"


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...