Thursday, February 26, 2015

Throwback Thursday

1980-something - my brother & I looking sharp. I was also wearing a fabulous pair of corduroy knickers, like the berry ones here. Ha!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Eight

Snow, cold, snow, cold, snow… Do you sense a theme here? These days, I’m just holding onto the promise of spring… But be forewarned – a monochromatic landscape did not stop Dr. M from taking a lot of photos this week :)

Sunday, February 15th
Today we had an organ re-dedication & recital by our longtime organist. She’s been at my church (off & on) for 50 years! So we decided to surprise her after the recital with a meal & gifts. She was very surprised – so much fun!

Monday, February 16th  
Guess what? It snowed…

 Tuesday, February 17th       
Dr. M, dressed for Mardi Gras…

Campus woodpecker.

Deer in a field.

I went to  our Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner – nom nom nom…

Wednesday, February 18th
Dr. M’s commute on the way to his 8:00 a.m. class. Just a bit treacherous.

It cleared up later & I took a walk OUTSIDE for a change.

Dr. M’s commute on the way home – not much better!               

Thursday, February 19th   
I thought it was kind of rude to have to go have my teeth cleaned with a wind chill of -23 f. But no cavities – woo hoo!

Scenes around the Bug Household.        

Friday, February 20th  
When Dr. M got to school this was on the copier – ha!

On his way home he took pictures of waterfowl couples. Fun!

I had altar guild duty this Sunday & decided to do my prep work on Friday because we were expecting more snow on Saturday. I turned on my walking app just to see what it would look like – made me laugh. Also, I was setting up a communion kit to take to one of our shut-ins & I was highly amused by the tiny little purificator (this is the cloth that’s used to wipe the chalice after a person sips the wine). I put it next to a regular sized one for comparison. Aww – isn’t it sweet?

Saturday, February 21st         
It snowed most of the day today. Papa cardinal doesn’t care!

A couple of local youths shoveled our driveway (not for free, but totally worth it to me as I sat inside all day). Dr. M went out to help with the patio area.

This is what I was doing while he was working so hard. It’s about halfway through here. You can see the finished one next week.

Later, he decided to put the construction crew to work on Mount Snow.

The moon!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Throwback Thursday

I feel as though I've shared this photo on my blog before, but I can't remember, so you probably can't either, right?

P.S. My brother loves it when I share this photo. Ha! I don't know why he minds - I look at least as dorky as he does, if not more :)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Seven

I have been in a funk. I realized late Monday night that I hadn’t written a blog post & thought, “meh.” And the rest of the week was “meh” too. Don’t know why – perhaps I’ll snap out of it soon. In the meantime, Dr. M has a blog post showing all his fabulous birds – he had QUITE the bird week (eagles, hawks, herons…). Go here to check it out!

Sunday, February 8th
Finally got my disgusting car washed. Woot!

I forgot to tell Map My Walk that I was doing an indoor walk, so it tried to show me where I had been. Made me laugh.

Monday, February 9th  
This is what a granny square looks like when you frog it (rip it, rip it) – I was almost finished & realized that I was too far off to try to fix it.

Tuesday, February 10th       
I was going to do a 10 on 10 post, but work was too busy – I took two pictures & then didn’t even think about it until I was on my way home. In my “meh” state I decided to not mess with it. This was my “before work” picture.

The temperature in my office. Last week the air conditioner had been on, so I brought a thermometer in. Sadly, even though my hands were freezing I decided that 67 degrees wasn’t low enough to complain about. (Except to you people – to you I will say, “That’s Too Darn Cold for Bug Working Conditions!”)

Dr. M took this really cool picture of the sun – even it was in a funk…

Wednesday, February 11th
I’ve completed 8 squares (2 designs) for the afghans I’m making. Keep in mind that I’m making four different afghans – these squares don’t all go together. There will be 24 squares per afghan.

I got so many comments about my “blonde” hair when I posted Tuesday’s picture on Facebook that I decided to take another selfie in different light to show that my hair is NOT blonde. Although I think my brain is blonde these days (yep, I’m referencing a stereotype there).               

Thursday, February 12th   
A friend who has left the Episcopal church for another denomination sent me these goodies – a sweatshirt and a bag with the Episcopal shield on them. Score! Thanks Jayne!

I finished another square. I decided to make all the ones of this design solid colors – because otherwise I’m going to end up with some VERY busy afghans! I really like the windmill design on this one.

Friday, February 13th  
Another Friday, another sun pillar. Dr. M gets to see these – I have the sun at my back on my morning commute. Steve had asked what a sun pillar was – it’s just a vertical shaft of light extending upward or downward from the sun – which is different from a “sun dog” – those sort of mini suns that appear on either side of the sun.

Campus bluejay.

Saturday, February 14th        
I had a great Valentine’s Day! I had informed Dr. M that I didn’t want to leave the house on Saturday so he volunteered to go out to get groceries. When he left it was doing this. It’s hard to tell, but the wind was blowing really hard & snow was flying everywhere. Super cold too.  I was so grateful that he let me stay home (where I vacuumed & dusted & did laundry – but DID NOT HAVE TO PUT ON MAKEUP, so that was fabulous).

Here are my Valentine presents – chocolate & flowers are always a big hit around here. And I had asked for one of those solar dancing critters to take to the office (we have a penguin here at home & it makes me laugh), so he gave me a bug. Ha!

The back yard has been very busy, as you might imagine. We’ve had the usual suspects – sparrows & starlings – but yesterday Dr. M saw a sweet little junco.

Hope everyone has a great week!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...