Monday, February 2, 2015

Mary's Smile

If my math is correct, today would have been my grandmother's 99th birthday. To celebrate, I'm re-posting this Magpie Tale from 2012. 

image: River Irwell by R.A.D. Stainforth

Mary's Smile

My grandmother
had a smile
deep as this river.
She smiled as she
did the ladies’ hair
and raised six
She smiled as my
grandfather milked
all those cows.
And she smiled
as she asked where
I’d been Sunday night.
Her smile contained
the souls of everyone
she ever knew.
And at night,
as she said her prayers,
she tucked those souls
behind her lips
for safekeeping.

This is a Magpie Tale.


  1. Beautiful poem, and she certainly was a beautiful lady.

  2. What a beautiful way to remember your grandmother!

  3. Neat poem and both of your grandparents were good looking. Easy to see where you got it.

  4. wonderful memories and a rock to keep in your heart!!

  5. Hi, I came from Bella's Cul de Sac and have enjoyed looking down all your photos. But this poem/story is just so touching I had to say hello. Incredibly beautiful. If you feel so inclined, stop over at the Marmelade Gypsy!


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