Sunday, February 8, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Six

I can’t believe we’re already finished with week 6 of the year! On the other hand, I guess that means we’re that much closer to spring… This week was all about the moon (as you might imagine). Also, Dr. M has a blog post with some lovely scenes of Our Frozen Ohio.

Sunday, February 1st
It was Superb Owl Sunday! Here are a couple of our Superb Owls, plus a look at Dr. M’s bowl of chicken chili. Yum!

Monday, February 2nd   
I tried to take a picture of the beautiful moon with my cell phone. Can’t see it?

How about here?

Reckon I should just leave the job to the Moon Man :)  

Tuesday, February 3rd       
Great blue heron! Such a shaggy gentleman…

Love love love this picture Dr. M took of the sun.

Pinky is blooming again. Silly old girl.

The moon!

Wednesday, February 4th
It’s been pretty cold here…

Practicing the choir anthem.      

Thursday, February 5th   
On frozen pond…

We watched Errol Flynn’s Robin Hood – gotta love those outrageous costumes!

Friday, February 6th  
Campus deer.

Dr. M saw this sun pillar on his way home from school – so cool!

Saturday, February 7th        
Our neighbor’s yard. Mary & Joseph just can’t even.

I went to Heart & Hands (my church’s yarny group) & was highly amused by my friend’s resourcefulness. It worked pretty well!

I went for a walk!

The moon!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I get a kick out of Pinky! And the Glenfiddich yarn container had me laugh out loud.

    So...if I used the phrase "I can't even," would I impress my youngest son with my knowledge of current internet slang? Or would he just roll his eyes at me? Probably the latter.

    1. can never win that "coolness" battle. Pinky is such a hoot! She's my bae...

  2. Love the Mary & Joseph picture! What on earth is a sun pillar? I need to look that one up...

  3. the moon shots are fantastic and the shots of your walk leave me with an important question - do you still see Tax Time Pig?

  4. This is why...Christmas decorations...February...Sigh...!

  5. Pinkie won't give up. Silly old girl.

  6. If your church serves Glenfiddich at communion I may revise my opinion of organized religion.

  7. Bug, you've got to stop by the side of the road if you want to take pictures. I worry about your distraction. Glenfiddich...someone has good taste.

  8. Mary and Joseph bowing in adoration, but where is Jesus?
    The nature pics, my favorites--heron!!! deer!! on frozen pond!
    Sun pillar, wow!
    Oh, wait! Did i just prefer Dr. M's pics over yours? Oops!

  9. Great moon pics. I doubt Robin and his merry men were wearing red trying to hide out from the sherif in the forest.

  10. Loved Tuesday's witchy moon pics, the pink sky, and the blue heron. I lived on Blue Heron Blvd for a time when I was a kid. They were everywhere...and I loved watching them take off and graceful.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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