Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Eight

Snow, cold, snow, cold, snow… Do you sense a theme here? These days, I’m just holding onto the promise of spring… But be forewarned – a monochromatic landscape did not stop Dr. M from taking a lot of photos this week :)

Sunday, February 15th
Today we had an organ re-dedication & recital by our longtime organist. She’s been at my church (off & on) for 50 years! So we decided to surprise her after the recital with a meal & gifts. She was very surprised – so much fun!

Monday, February 16th  
Guess what? It snowed…

 Tuesday, February 17th       
Dr. M, dressed for Mardi Gras…

Campus woodpecker.

Deer in a field.

I went to  our Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner – nom nom nom…

Wednesday, February 18th
Dr. M’s commute on the way to his 8:00 a.m. class. Just a bit treacherous.

It cleared up later & I took a walk OUTSIDE for a change.

Dr. M’s commute on the way home – not much better!               

Thursday, February 19th   
I thought it was kind of rude to have to go have my teeth cleaned with a wind chill of -23 f. But no cavities – woo hoo!

Scenes around the Bug Household.        

Friday, February 20th  
When Dr. M got to school this was on the copier – ha!

On his way home he took pictures of waterfowl couples. Fun!

I had altar guild duty this Sunday & decided to do my prep work on Friday because we were expecting more snow on Saturday. I turned on my walking app just to see what it would look like – made me laugh. Also, I was setting up a communion kit to take to one of our shut-ins & I was highly amused by the tiny little purificator (this is the cloth that’s used to wipe the chalice after a person sips the wine). I put it next to a regular sized one for comparison. Aww – isn’t it sweet?

Saturday, February 21st         
It snowed most of the day today. Papa cardinal doesn’t care!

A couple of local youths shoveled our driveway (not for free, but totally worth it to me as I sat inside all day). Dr. M went out to help with the patio area.

This is what I was doing while he was working so hard. It’s about halfway through here. You can see the finished one next week.

Later, he decided to put the construction crew to work on Mount Snow.

The moon!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Fortunately, I haven't had to pay anyone to shovel our snow, because we haven't had any.

  2. The woodpecker is my fav, deer and cardinal pics a close second.
    Love Mt. Snow ;-)
    Never heard of Shrove Tuesday.

  3. You look so cute, all bundled up for your Wednesday walk.

    Shrove Tuesday is hugein Germany - parties and street parades everywhere, and most people take the day off from work.

  4. Yeesh, that looks like a lot of snow. I can't even imagine what a -23 F wind chill feels like!

  5. love the snow trucks. haha. looks so cold, we have had some ice for a few days too but not as cold as you all.

  6. Do you call it a fingernail moon over there? Great pic of it.....lovely week..stay as warm as possible.

  7. You're supposed to open your mouth in the dentist's chair!

  8. brr brr brr. I think these late cold days are colder than regular winter days.

  9. You crack me up! Those little trucks in the snow and that look on your face at the dentist office! The first photo of your parisher who has been there for 50 years looks so much Dolly Parton.

  10. Don't know if you know this or not....but there is a naked woman on your blog roll. I was scanning through your list and thought maybe someone hacked into that persons blog.

    1. How bizarre! I don't see it... Can you tell me the name of the blog? I want to be sure to unsubscribe :)

  11. The ladies of your church look quite joyful and chipper. What a great advertisement.

  12. I think it is called Blessings Everyday. Weird that you can't see it. Crazy hackers.


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