Sunday, February 1, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Five

Well we seem to be back to a full complement of pictures this week. Some of Dr. M’s were so lovely that I didn’t want to create collages for them.

Sunday, January 25th
Our back yard.

Monday, January 26th  
Our Ohio…

Putting my penguin duct tape to good use.         

Tuesday, January 27th      
Words of wisdom from my Zen calendar.

Dr. M’s campus.

Went out at lunch to run an errand & cringed at my filthy car!

Wednesday, January 28th
It was rude this morning!!

But beautiful…

The moon!

Thursday, January 29th   
On frozen pond…

My new chair IS a good spot for crocheting!

Friday, January 30th  
Sunset on my way home from work.

Our church had a fundraiser for our homeless shelter. While I was waiting for my meals to be boxed up I took this photo of Ms. B providing the dinner entertainment.

The moon!

I have gotten addicted to the Weather Doge app – so hilarious!

Saturday, January 31st       
Finished up another granny square – it’s all ready for The Rack (if my other squares will ever dry!!).

This picture is actually from the wee hours of this morning. We’d been tracking this huge storm that was supposed to dump up to 6” of snow in our area, but it turned out to be a bust for us. This is pretty much all we got. Ha!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I usually don't miss the snow and cold of winter from up north, but yours and Dr. M's pictures make me remember how beautiful it can be. The pictures this week are exceptional!

    And I remember the white crusty layer of dirt and salt on the car...

  2. What beautiful pictures, Dana. Love your description of the morning: "rude but beautiful."

    1. One of her favorite phrases: "The weather is rude!" North Carolina girl, born and raised...

  3. I just love how playful birds are at winter feeders!

  4. Ugh! That temperature!

    I love the pic of the snowy bushes through the tree trunks.

  5. Great pictures. And that's such an uplifting quote from Camus--not what i expect from him.

  6. Sigh. We got it all. A foot and still counting.

  7. great pictures this week. sparrows are such mobsters.

  8. Love the quality and mix of your pics!
    -the birds, yes, so playful. We enjoy them every morning as we breakfast.
    -the Ohio snow pics, much like our Indiana views.
    -the cool penguinized eye-ware!
    -the hilarious weather app!
    --Ms. B's piano playing. (Reminds me to keep practicing so I can still play at her age. Oh, wait, I'm almost there!)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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