Thursday, February 19, 2015

Throwback Thursday

I feel as though I've shared this photo on my blog before, but I can't remember, so you probably can't either, right?

P.S. My brother loves it when I share this photo. Ha! I don't know why he minds - I look at least as dorky as he does, if not more :)


  1. Cute picture. My dad used to have long sideburns like your dad. They're starting to make a comeback.

  2. I don't care if long sideburns will make a comeback. However, I hope those big collars on women's blouses don't come back!

    You look like you're up to a little mischief!

  3. Oh, those sly smirks. Something is going on here.

  4. Stylin' in the seventies. I had a blouse like your mom's and H had the colorful shirts and ties. You and your brother are very cute.

  5. I love it. Clearly the aim was to make Mom and Dad look good. Never mind if the kids look a little goofy. You and your brother look a lot alike.

  6. I've got a whole photo album of old Polaroid pictures filled with my own dorky and nerdy family. I need to scan them to my computer before they fade away.

  7. Love this picture. We never made Olin Mills family pictures when I was a child. I wish I had some of these.


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